Roller Compacted Concrete Tailing Retention Dam
A roller compacted concrete (RCC) dam has been designed for gold tailing impoundment in southeast Alaska. To minimize up front capital costs, the curved gravity dam with multiple outlet...

Design of Pena Colorada Tailings Retention Dam
This paper discusses the details involved in the design of a 66 meter high RCC dam to be used to create storage for slurry from an iron ore mining operation located near Manzanillo, Mexico....

Small Systems Struggle
Across the U.S., small communities are caught in a bind. Local governments bear the primary day-to-day burden of caring for public works, responsible for 70% of the nation's...

Staffing Up for a Major Program
A nine-member construction management section must pilot a $335 million, multi-project capital improvement program over the next five years. Should construction management duties automatically...

Environmental Constraints Associated with Dredging in Southern California
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, is responsible for the maintenance dredging of twelve harbors along the Southern California coast, ranging from Morro Bay in the...

Dynamic Compaction of Nuclear Waste
When ponding, caused by settlement of the original soil cover over low-level nuclear waste buried at the Department of Energy's Savannah River Nuclear Plant near Aiken, S.C.,...

The Environment is Good Business in France
The environmental movement is an important political concern in Europe with the Green party gaining ground in several nations. The European Economic Community is developing environmental...

Value Engineering at a Superfund Site
The Helen Kramer Landfill ranked fourth on the EPA's National Priorities List and the estimated cost of clean up was about $39 million. By value engineering selected parts...

Coal-Gas Conundrum
Manufactured gas from coal brought streetlights and clean cooking fuel to the late Victorian era, but a hundred years later their legacy isn't quite so beneficial. Investigators...

Densification/Creep Behavior of Experimental Glass-Ceramic Waste Forms for Immobilization of High-Level Calcined Waste at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant
A mixture of simulated high-level calcined waste (HLW) and Frit additives was hot isostatically pressed (HIPed) to a dense glass-ceramic waste form. A densification mapping software was...

Geoelectrical Tomography: Model Studies Related to Nuclear Waste Site Characterization
Borehole geoelectrical measurements offer a promising means for detecting and delineating resistivity anomalies in candidate geological formations being considered for underground storage...

Effect of Water on the Consolidation of Crushed Rock Salt
The consolidation behavior of crushed rock salt, as the backfill in the under-ground disposal of nuclear waste, will be important in controlling room closure rates and local permeability....

Seismic Stability Analysis of Landfill
The failure mechanism of a waste containment system is not well understood due to the complexity and the heterogeneity of the system. The recent slope failure of the Kettleman Hills waste...

Environmental Aspects of Lunar Helium-3 Mining
Three potential detrimental effects of lunar 3He mining have been identified; visual changes, atmospheric contamination, and solid waste disposal....

Steady State Composition with Low Fe?+ Concentrations for Efficient O2 Production by Magma Electrolysis of Lunar Soils
Parameters are estimated for a hypothetical, well stirred, continuous-feed electrolytic cell that converts 20% of a lunar soil feedstock to O2 gas,...

Regenerative Life Support Technology Challenges for the Space Exploration Initiative
Regenerative life support systems have been identified as one of the critical enabling technologies for future human exploration of space. This discipline encompasses processes and subsystems...

Traffic Impact Assessment for Snow Disposal Facilities?Extended Abstract
Snow disposal facilities perform an integral role in the maintenance programs of many municipalities in canada and other northern countries. The most popular type of snow disposal facility...

Solid Waste Travel Demand Model Using GIS and Simulation for Evaluating Site Impacts
This study accomplishes two objectives: (1) develops a model to forecast future household travel demands for a given solid waste site in Fairbanks, Alaska and (2) develops precursory techniques...

Responding to Public Opinion About Cumulative Long-Term Risks: Analysis and Communication of Risks from Climate Change and Hazardous Waste Sites
Public reactions to cumulative, uncertain, and long-term (CULT) risks pose particular problems to risk communicators. Low-magnitude and low-probability risks (e.g., living next to a hazardous...

System Engineering and Risk
System engineering means many things to many people, but there is a large group of practicing engineers in the defense and energy sectors who define system engineering as a structured...





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