Digital Evaluation of Contaminated Sites
This paper introduces digital techniques to evaluate historical maps and aerial photographs in order to detect contaminations on derelict industrial sites. Special attention is paid to...

Survey: Fundamental Pavement Crack Imaging Algorithms
Many algorithms for distinguishing pavement cracks from background noise are based on the geometric characteristics of noise, such as shape and size. The objective of this paper is to...

Whose Risk Is It, Anyway?
Near the now-closed Smuggler Mine in Aspen, Colo. toxic lead sits beneath the grass of area residents' yards. A major portion of soil in the area has lead above the EPA action...

Projects on the Czech List
The Czech Republic's increasing reliance on the European Community as a trading partner has created a need for airports, power plants, an improved telephone system, new highways,...

Doing Business In...Bangkok: More than just Temples
Traffic is the most notorious problem afflicting foreign visitors, though air pollution and the enforcement of building codes (in the wake of a provincial hotel collapse in mid-1993) are...

Rail Revival
Rail transit appears to be on the upswing. More than 30 cities are building, extending or seriously considering new rail-transit systems, according to a recent report from the Regional...

Reassessing the Risk Assessment
Risk assessments should help an engineer determine cost-effective remedies to environmental pollution. Unfortunately, most don't. Most assessments drastically overestimate...

VOCs: The New Effluent
The Clean Air Act of 1990, in addition to many state and local regulations, has officials of publicly-owned treatment works (POTWs) shifting their focus, and funds, to air toxic emissions...

Dynamic Compaction of Nuclear Waste
When ponding, caused by settlement of the original soil cover over low-level nuclear waste buried at the Department of Energy's Savannah River Nuclear Plant near Aiken, S.C.,...

Cleaning Up Chromium
From 1956 to 1985, the United Chrome Products plant in Corvallis, Oregon, took a steady toll on the environment. Leaky plating tanks and the discharge of rinse water into a disposal pit...

Controlling Nitrogen in Coastal Waters
Excess nitrogen in coastal waters is becoming a problem worldwide. Nutrients such as nitrogen come from sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, runoff from fertilizer and animal waste,...

A New Era In Transportation
Its passage into law was about as smooth as a rush-hour traffic jam, but the surprising thing about the new Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) is that it...

Analog Electronic Simulations of a Nonlinear System
We perform electronic analog simulations of a harmonically forced Duffing oscillator. The addition of noise perturbations of sufficient intensity is shown to induce transitions between...

Environmental Aspects of Lunar Helium-3 Mining
Three potential detrimental effects of lunar 3He mining have been identified; visual changes, atmospheric contamination, and solid waste disposal....

Space Habitat Contaminant Growth Models?Part II
This paper reports on the continuation of work being done at NASA's Center for Space Environmental Health (CSEH) at the University of Colorado at Boulder on contaminant growth modelling...

Mitigation of Dust Contamination During EVA Operations on the Moon and Mars
The Space Exploration initiative is charting a new course for human exploration of the Moon and Mars. Advances in EVA system have been identified as being critical for enabling long-duration...

Medical Care on the Moon
Eventually, people will return to the Moon to stay for prolonged periods of time. When they do, they will be exposed to a wide range of threats to their health including, decompression...

Regenerative Life Support Technology Challenges for the Space Exploration Initiative
Regenerative life support systems have been identified as one of the critical enabling technologies for future human exploration of space. This discipline encompasses processes and subsystems...

Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Effects on Lunar-Based Astronomical Instruments
The galactic cosmic-ray flux incident on the Moon was examined for its potential adverse impact on the performance of the large lunar telescope (LLT) proposed as a part of NASA's Space...

A Systems Approach to Water Recycling Research
Because of the cost of Earth resupply, water recycling from wastewater is a critical enabling technology for long duration space missions. The need and the fact that water quality is not...





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