Stadium Seats Slide on Water
In Denver, a unique 21,000 seat, 9-million pound movable stand is used to convert the Denver Mile High Stadium from baseball to football or soccer. The stands are lifted and move on 163-forty...

Reinforced Concrete Research Council: Why So Successful�
At 30 years old the first-formed of ASCE's 14 research councils, the Reinforced Concrete Research Council is also one of the most successful. Some 40 RCRC research projects...

High Voltage Transmission Lines: Pros and Cons
This article, written in response to a CE Engineering News item, puts into perspective some of the pros and cons of high voltage transmission lines (500 and 765-kV lines). Specific problems...

Coping with City Shrinkage
Sooner or later, many of the older cities of the U.S. are going to have to face up to the fact their population and economic bases are shrinking. Many cities continue to display an easy...

Site Characterization & Exploration
Proceedings of the specialty workshop held at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, June 12-14, 1978. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Site Characterization...

Terrain Analysis for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline
Airphoto interpretation and field reconnaissance were combined with a computer-based data bank to evaluate the diverse terrain conditions along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline because acquisition...

Automatic Surveying � Updating Canada's Control
With Litton's Auto-Surveyor system you can perform third-order surveys driving at highway speeds or flying in a helicopter. With proper planning...

Inverted Filter Stabilizes Soil, Stops Erosion
The inverted filter concept was invented by Karl Terzaghi to prevent dams from failing by water piping through the foundation. Laboratory and field testing have refined the necessary specifications...

City's Topographic Mapping System Saves Time, Money and is More Accurate
The city of Elgin, Ill. purchased its own topographic mapping system called Topo-Plan. The system consists of an aerial photo base map plus a transparent overlay showing 2-ft (0.60-m)...

Learn From Biographies of Early Engineers
The aim of education is to discover, develop and finally, to apply the student's latent abilities. To accomplish these things, the student first needs to try his hand and...

Engineering Education: Can It be More Practical�
U.S. engineering schools were derailed after World War II by some well-meaning educators who decided future engineers should be patterned after physicists and aero-space scientists. Post-war...

ASCE Minority Group Counseling Under Way
ASCE has been touring the nation's secondary schools, telling minority youths about the field of engineering and advising young people on courses of study. In 1970, only about...

In Situ Soils Measuring Devices
Soils engineering is as much art as science�� mostly because techniques for measuring soil parameters leave much in the realm of estimation. Developing instrumentation practices and equipment...

In Situ Soils Measuring Devices�� Part II
Soils engineering is as much art as science�� mostly because techniques for measuring soil parameters leave much in the realm of estimation. Developing instrumentation practices and equipment...

Field Test Sections, Save Cost in Tunnel Support
This report is intended to stimulate improvements in underground works and their adoption by industry. It covers a broad range of topics, including promising concepts for tunnel support,...

Committee on Backfilling in Public Rights-of-Way Final Report
The report is concerned primarily with evaluating types and properties of soils in the West and North sections of the city and county of St. Louis, field testing and evaluation of the...





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