Effect of Planning Errors on Construction Safety
A discussion of the planning phase of the building process associated with all the activities that are accomplished during this phase is presented. The different types of errors that occur...

The Use of SIPS as a Productivity Improvement Tool
SIPS, an acronym for short interval production schedule, applies many of the earlier scheduling techniques to individual operations that are key or pacesetter operations on a project....

The Jet Set
The new maintenance hangar now nearing completion at Charlotte/Douglas International Airport has aluminum standing seam roofing. The unusual material was specified because every ounce...

Developing Performance Concrete and Its Acceptance by Code Authorities
Projects incorporating the benefits of Performance Oriented Concrete frequently occur within the established jurisdictions of specific building departments, highway departments, or other...

A Hazardous Data Explosion
During the 1980s, public concern and government regulations have spawned the huge hazardous waste management industry. But the industry has opened a Pandora's box for site engineers, most...

Bells Under Bells
Chicago's newest office tower is supported on new bells that had to be constructed below existing belled caissons. Existing caisson foundations from a previous structure on...

Managing the Jim Falls Hydro Redevelopment Project
This paper addresses two of the water management issues involved in the design and construction of the Jim Falls Hydro Redevelopment Project. These issues include selecting the optimum...

After L'Ambiance Plaza
In the aftermath of the tragic collapse of the L'Ambiance Plaza apartment building at Bridgeport, Conn., in April 1987, reforms are being proposed. In 1987 ASCE approved writing...

Accommodating Larger Trucks at At-Grade Intersections
When a particular intersection serves a high volume of large truck traffic, design considerations should reflect the presence of those larger vehicles. This paper discusses three intersection...

Health Hazards Associated with Asbestos Exposure: Implication for the Construction Industry
The paper presents some asbestos diseases: lung cancer, mesothelioma; gastrointestinal cancers; asbestosis. A historical perspective of asbestos-related diseases is given. The occupational...

Training Requirements for Asbestos Workers and Supervisors
Although the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has stipulated that minimum training to be provided to asbestos abatement workers and their supervisors, some...

Analysis of Bridge Truck Loads
The development of the reliability-based load and resistance factor design (LRFD) methodology requires uncertainties in loads and resistance be quantified. In the load capacity evaluation...

Research Needs for Rational LRFD Criteria
There are at least a dozen factors causing or influencing impact. Current design specifications consider only a few of these. Location of truck wheel loads within the traffic lanes on...

Dynamic Response of Tall Buildings to Wind Loads
The purpose of this study is to perform a probabilistic analysis of tall buildings subjected to wind excitation. A time domain simulation is first applied to the nonlinear problem. After...

Resolution of Conflicts in Superfund Site Cleanups
In this paper, we present the typical sequence of tasks involved in the cleanup of a Superfund site under current regulations and guidance. We then pinpoint the areas where conflicts arise...

Rolling Incinerators
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) is using a mobile incinerator to clean up a former oil and solvent storage/transfer operation which was badly contaminated. The benefits...

EPA: Siting Permanent Solutions
EPA's SITE (Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation) program is entering its third year. It is designed to speed up hazardous waste treatment technology. The program helps...

Biological Treatment of Hazardous Wastes
Biological treatment�using nature's bacteria and fungi�sometimes costs as little as 10-20% as incineration. Wastes in any form�solid, aqueous and gaseous�can be treated biologically....

Cables in Trouble
Having inspected more than half of the world's cable stayed bridges, the authors conclude that many are in danger of sudden collapse unless corrosion problems can be stopped....

Space Age Pueblo
If and when 8 million passengers decide to fly in and out of Albuquerque, N.M. in one year, the renovated and expanded airport will be ready for them. In a comprehensive $120 million project,...





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