A Coastal Ecosystem Management and Its Effects in a Subtropical Climate: The Conceicao Lagoon
The Conceicao Lagoon on Santa Catarina Island along the south coast of Brazil constitutes a natural and scenic resource of ecological, economic and scientific value. Due to natural and...

A Comparison of Electromagnetic Survey Results and Groundwater Quality Samples at an Animal Waste Storage Pond
Animal waste storage ponds are widely used to store manure over winter until it can be surface applied to growing crops as a fertilizer. There is an increasing concern for groundwater...

Nutrients in the Gulf of Mexico
Excess nutrients in the Gulf of Mexico are related to at least three important environmental problems: episodic oxygen depletion, sea grass decline, and shifts in composition of biological...

Coastal Protection Effects at Buenos Aires, Argentina
A rapid population growing and a lack of a control planing of natural coastal resources increased damage assessments. Several buildings have been carried out to obtain a shoreline stabilization...

Storm Water Permitting: A Case Study in Cooperation
Amendments to the Clean Water Act established a framework for regulating industrial and municipal storm water discharges under the National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES)....

Chlorinated Pesticide in a Fish Farming Station in the Lake Maracaibo Basin
The present evaluation of chlorinated pesticides is the result of the detection of tumors, hepatic and renal necrosis and skeletal anomalies in species of fish cultivated in artificial...

Coastal Non-Point Source Pollution Abatement: The Shipbuilding and Repair Industry
In cooperation with several shipbuilding and repair businesses and several state environmental regulatory agencies, site visits, waste-minimization assessments, and storm water sampling...

Greenlining the Seacoast Institution Design for Nonpoint Source Control
This paper examines the challenges to and techniques used in greenline approaches to natural resource management and considers their applicability to the implementation of nonpoint source...

Port-Tenant Relations: A Pro-active Approach to Reducing Environmental Contamination and Liability
The Port of Oakland has instituted a number of measures to improve environmental practices of tenants operating on Port-owned land and facilities. These measures, which include lease provisions,...

Coordinating Toxic Cleanup with Future Site Utilization
The Port of Olympia owns a site where former industrial activity left a legacy of toxic contamination, and which is currently involved in a cleanup action. A waterfront site which was...

Potential for the Bioremediation of Contaminated Dredge Material
Sediment contamination frequently impacts the ability of ports to maintain and deepen shipping channels. One of the common contaminants in channel sediments is polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...

An Overview of Chemical Contaminants Throughout the Coastal and Estuarine United States
Informed decisions on the use and management of the nation's coastal resources require convenient access to current and reliable information. In 1984, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric...

Heavy Metal Pollution of Santa Catarina Island, Brazil
On Santa Catarina Island, Brazil, mangrove ecosystems although considered by present legislation as 'Areas of Permanent Preservation', have been undergoing progressive elimination for...

Bioaccumulation in Mussels Caged in Alamitos Bay, CA
Alamitos Bay is a coastal embayment located in the southern portion of the highly urbanized Los Angeles basin. There is concern of the potential for contamination stemming from urban non-point...

Smoke Plumes From In Situ Burning of Oil Spills
Mesoscale pool fire experiments with effective diameters up to 17.2 m were conducted to obtain data on the characteristics of burning crude oil on water. These experiments showed that...

Improvement of Nearshore Water Clarity Due to Artificial Upwelling at Power Plant Diffusers
The cooling water outfall at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, California, discharges heated water at an offshore sea-bed through multiport nozzles which are angled seaward. After...

The NS&T National Benthic Surveillance Project: Contaminants in Fish Tissues
The National Benthic Surveillance Project, part of NOAA's National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program, has been regularly measuring more than 70 contaminants in liver tissue of selected...

Tidal Pumping Effects in Coastal Loop Canals
During the last half century the world's coastal zones have been rapidly developed and urbanized, especially in the industrialized world. The coastline of the State of Florida is a typical...

Vaquita: Its Environment, Biology and Problematic
Vaquita is an endemic porpoise of the gulf of California. A general overview of this unique marginal sea, which has been described as one of the most productive regions of the world oceans,...

Natural Cleaning Proficiency as a Coastal Macrodescriptor
The hypothesis that coastal susceptibility to pollution increases at sublittoral sites where natural cleaning proficiency (NCP) is exceeded was tested comparing values of the pollution...





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