Knowledge-Based Real-Time Management of Risk Processes
A project proposed to the Commission of European Communities within the framework of the European Strategic Program in Research and Information Technology (ESPRIT) aims at the development...

The Alabama Rainfall-Runoff Model, ARRM
ARRM consists of a conceptual state-space model which is cast in a stochastic framework. It uses the W.H. Green and C.A. Ampt method for infiltration, exponential decay for interflow and...

Limitations of Level-Pool Routing in Reservoirs
Storage routing is defined for purposes of this study as any routing technique which expresses reservoir storage as a single-valued function of stage, and hence it is sometimes termed...

Channel Routing for Improved Flood Control
Lake Wappapello, located on the St. Francis River in southeastern Missouri, is operated by the St. Louis District (SLD) Corps of Engineers for purposes of flood control and recreation....

Utilization of the Ottawa River Regulation Modeling System (MORRO)
The MORRO model was developed in Canada for use by the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board (ORRPB) to integrate the operation of the Ottawa River during the spring freshet season, when...

Risk Management of the Ottawa River System
The Ottawa River System is a large-scale and complex system comprising 30 major reservoirs and 43 generating stations and has a long history of flooding that extends throughout the basin....

Flood Warning Systems
A valuable review of the current state-of-the-art of flood warning systems is represented by the papers on flood warning systems presented at the ASCE Workshop on 'Computerized...

City of Roseville, California, Alert System: Real Time Microcomputer Based Flood Warning System
The ALERT system was developed by the California-Nevada River Forecast Center of the National Weather Service. The System integrates self-reporting, field sensors, a base station microcomputer,...

Flood Warning Using Wide-Area Computer Networks
Wide-area computer networks are being used with increasing frequency to improve regional response to flood events, coordinate efforts between agencies and communities, and to improve flood...

Planning and Implementing a Wide Area Flood Warning System: The IFLOWS Experience
The Integrated Flood Observing and Warning System (IFLOWS) is an interactive hydrometeorological data collection and processing system. It consists of three major subsystems; data acquisition,...

Flash Flood Hydrologic Forecast Model, ADVIS
The Flash Flood Hydrologic Forecast Model, ADVIS, is the computer replacement of manual forecast procedures using tables. This interactive forecast model computes a crest forecast, plots...

Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction for Reservoir Design and Flash Flood Management
A portable, interactive weather prediction system (PIWPS), which runs on a desktop workstation, has been developed and tested on several heavy precipitation events in the Rocky Mountains,...

Innovative Uses of Rainfall Prediction in Urban Flash Flood Forecasting
Operational prediction of excessive convective rainfall and the ensuing urban flooding has been an integral part of the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District's (UDFCD)...

WATFLOOD: A Real-Time, Microcomputer-Based Data Management and Flood Forecast System
WATFLOOD is a menu-driven micro-computer based flood forecasting system incorporating data management programs to enable real-time use of weather radar for flood forecasting. The main...

A Report on 18 Warning Systems in America
Of all weather related disasters in the United States, floods are the primary cause of death, and most flood related deaths result from flash floods. One of the major changes in flash...

Effecting Timely Responses to Urban Flash Floods
Problem identification and decision aid development are important first steps in putting together an effective flood warning plan. Until adequate data exists to allow refinement of runoff...

TVA: A Half-Century of Sedimentation Experience
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a regional resource development agency, created by the United States Congress in 1933 and charged with bringing to the Tennessee River watershed...

Applications and Research in Sediment Delivery and Routing Models in the USDA-Forest Service
Sediment delivery and routing are important watershed management issues in the USDA-Forest Service. The relationship between forest management activities and stream morphology, resident...

Limitations of Modeling High Concentration Streams
Following the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, high sediment concentrations caused rapid deposition and increased flood hazards along the Cowlitz River. The Corps of Engineers developed...

Estimation of the Effect of Land Use Changes on Storm-Event Sediment Yield from a Small Watershed
The influence of partial deforestation in a small lowland watershed in the center of Poland on storm-event sediment yield is analysed. Rainfall-runoff model has been applied to estimate...





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