Quantitative Assessment of Marine Traffic Environment by Using the Maneuvering Space Concept
In a coastal zone, it frequently becomes important to assess the influence of the constructions upon the marine traffic environment. Marine traffic is a man-machine system, and so not...

Aiming at Port and Harbour Technology Mild to Human Beings and the Earth
The ports and harbors bureau of the ministry of transport formulated and announced a long-term port and harbor development policy, ports and harbors toward the twenty-first century aiming...

Minnesota Guidestar?Progress Towards a Statewide Intelligent Transportatin System
Minnesota Guidestar is seeking to develop a truly statewide intelligent transportation system. The pursuit of this goal necessitates the testing and evaluation of a number of different...

IVHS Strategic Planning for Washington State
Implementation of IVHS technologies must be based on a strategic planning approach. The strategic plan must consider regional and statewide needs and should prompt integration of IVHS...

Travel Time Data Fusion in Advance
The ADVANCE project in the Chicago metropolitan area is one of several ATIS operational tests currently underway in the USA and abroad. Fusion of equipped vehicle (probes) travel time...

Freeway Control Systems for Using Section-Related Traffic Variable Detection
Traffic control systems for freeways are described which use section-related traffic variable measurement techniques. For deriving section-related variables feature sequence of a vehicle...

Using VRC Data for Incident Detection
Most existing incident detection algorithms use inductive loops, a relatively old sensor technology that obtains data at specific points along the roadway. This paper discusses the use...

Field Implementation and Testing of a Machine Vision Based Incident Detection System
This paper contains test results of a video detection device installed in the field for over two years and the development and field deployment of an incident detection sysytems called...

Driver Assistance and Local Traffic Management, DALTM
This paper focus on some important features in the Swedish and European Road, Transport and informatic (RTI) program - the intelligent communication between road infrastructure and the...

Automatic Vehicle Location at Seattle Metro
Seattle Metro has issued final acceptance on a signpost-based AVL system. The system has been well received by operators and by service communications coordinators. Metro has taken steps...

Rural Applications of IVHS
The Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) program in the U.S.A. is understandably directed primarily toward urbanized areas where congestion is highest. Despite having somewhat less...

Rural Applications of IVHS in Minnesota
The application of advanced technologies in a rural highway environment continues to gain an increasingly significant degree of exposure within the IVHS community. As part of the Minnesota...

IVHS Transit Applications ? Rural/Small Urban Areas
The application of APTS technologies to public transportation services as found in small and medium sized communities and in rural areas is still to be explored in the United States. To...

Overview of the FAST-TRAC IVHS Program
A major new IVHS initiative, called FAST-TRAC, is taking place in Oakland County, Michigan. It originated as a bottom-up strategy for solving mobility and highway safety problems in this...

Integrating Advanced Telematics into Urban and Regional Transport Policies?Munich Greater Area Case Study
Before the background of the emerging of advanced transport telecommunication and informatics several traffic information and control systems are under development with a bottom up approach....

Seattle Area Traffic Management System Upgrade
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) implemented the first components of this freeway monitoring and control system in 1967. A major upgrade to this system was completed...

Motorist Aid Systems ? Intelligent Roadside Controllers
Advanced technology call boxes, employing a variety of communications networks and embedded microprocessors, have brought a new level of functionality and extensibility to motorists aid...

Traffic Information and Management in a Geographically Distributed Computing Environment
This paper presents a comprehensive architecture for a geographically distributed traffic information/management system, and demonstrates the viability of such an architecture using GIS,...

Advanced Highway Control on the Central Artery
The Boston Central Artery/Tunnel project involves highways 190 and 193, in downtown Boston, placing underground 7 miles of four to eight lane tunnels. The project, with 37 lane-miles underground,...

Metering Strategies Applied to Signalized Networks
This paper describes the development and adaptation of ramp metering strategies for use in signalized networks. The strategies were developed in simulation environment using the micro-simulation...





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