The Gulf Initiative
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region IV, has proposed a program, the Gulf Initiative, to better manage the natural resources within the Gulf of Mexico. As an initial...

Ports and Harbours Towards 21st Century in Japan
Targets of the 'Ports and Harbours Toward the 21st Century' program for port and harbour development and improvement include: Target I, Creation of comprehensive...

Study on Space Reorganization of Urban Port Areas
In this study, particular attention is paid to GRAY ZONE which was actively utilized as a port in the past. The GRAY ZONE may conceivably play a role to advance reconciliation between...

Managing Growth in Florida: Focus on the Coast
Management of the Florida's phenomenal growth and protection of the coasts became an issue of major public concern in Florida in the mid-1980s. The legislative response to...

Coastal Zone Management Programmes in Barbados and Grenada
This paper discusses two islands, Barbados and Grenada, where government funded coastal zone management programmes have been set up and are being implemented. These programmes are discussed...

Marine Multi-Purpose Zone Project
Since most of the big cities in Japan locate near seacoast, the sea has been playing great role in their developments. It is necessary to make a good quality of public stock, coping with...

Waterfronts Revived
This paper explores the experiences of North American cities in their efforts to improve opportunities for the public to use and enjoy their shores. This work is an outgrowth of research...

Harbor Rehabilitation and Recreational Development in Racine, Wisconsin
With a growing realization that the Racine waterfront was underutilized, Downtown Racine Development Corporation (DRDC) in concert with City and County officials directed its attention...

Copenhagen Metropolitan Region Coast Erosion Management
Modern requirements for control and development of the coastal zone are best fulfilled through ad hoc initiatives towards coordination between authorities and professionals, based on truly...

A Coastal Management Program for the Saudi Arabian Red Sea Coast
In marked contrast to the Arabian Gulf, the Red Sea is still largely unaffected by industrial development. Awareness of the relatively natural condition of the Red Sea and its outstanding...

Coastal Area Management in the South Pacific Islands
Within the broad framework provided by the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme a coastal area management programme, SOPACOAST, is underway. Its approach is broad, encompassing...

Disturbance and Community Development
This paper reports on the recovery of nearshore vegetation after Hurricane Allen in 1980, change in roadside vegetation throughout a year, and the early re-establishment of vegetation...

Revegetation in the Arctic (abstract)
A tremendous amount of information on revegetation of Arctic tundra was gathered during the following completion of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System. This information and initiation of...

Sivunniuq: Planning Together in Northwest Alaska
Sivunniuq applies the traditional approach to planning and decision making. Its primary purpose is to encourage early and meaningful local involvement in project and plan development activities....

Redevelopment of a Commercial Fishing Harbor: A Tale of Three Cities (abstract()
The paper referred to in this abstract forms a trilogy of the author's presentation at previous Coastal Zone Symposium at which he traced the development of two small fishing...

States' Role in OCS Development: The California Model
California is currently the only state outside the Gulf of Mexico region faced with oil and gas production activities in the federal outer continental shelf (OCS). California's...

Community Based Marine Reserves, a Philippine First
This paper describes the Marine Conservation and Development Program (MCDP) of Silliman University, Dumaguete, Philippines. MCDP was a two-year project designed to enable three local communities...

Farming the Sea: A Youth Education Mariculture Project
The Farming The Sea program was born in response to a crisis situation that currently faces Long Island baymen, and in a desire to assist baymen while involving local youth in a community...

An Effective Multicultural Coastal Management Program
The theme of the paper referred to in this abstract is that coastal management programs, in multicultural environments, are effective only to the degree they are accepted and supported...

Citizen Education and Participation
The role of public participation is of increasing concern to governmental technicians responsible for the development of comprehensive planning programs in general community planning,...





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