An Overview of Chemical Contaminants Throughout the Coastal and Estuarine United States
Informed decisions on the use and management of the nation's resources requires convenient access to current and reliable information. Since 1984, the National Oceanic and...

Optimization Study of a Leachate Treatment System
A treatability study was conducted to evaluate the need for a metal precipitation and an ammonia stripping process in a leachate treatment system and to evaluate the biological nitrification...

Evaluation of Sludge Screening and Screenings Dewatering Technologies
The concept of digested sludge screening has been utilized at the City of Los Angeles' Hyperion Treatment Plant to remove extraneous objects, hair, and fibrous material in...

Crossflow vs. Counterflow Air Stripping Costs
Crossflow towers offer a potential economic advantage over counterflow towers due to savings in fan power costs as well as material costs. These savings increase as contaminant volatility...

Air Stripping of Refinery Effluent for TC Compliance
In order to manage the risk that the water effluent may at times exceed the limits of the USEPA final Toxicity Characteristics (TC) rule which came into effect on September 25, 1990, a...

Complete Recyling in the Organics Chemicals Industry
Regulations for both direct and indirect discharges have become so stringent in order to protect the environment that wastewater treatment and effluent levels in the organics chemicals...

Continuing Effort to Eliminate Odors at Orange County's Wastewater Treatment Plants
The County Sanitation Districts of Orange County (CSDOC), California own and operate two wastewater treatment plants. Reclamation Plant No. 1, in Fountain Valley, treats approximately...

Substrate Effects on Methanotrophic Trichloroethylene Degradation
Formate up to 1g/L had no significant enhancing effect on the degradation of trichloroethylene (TCE) by three mixed enrichments of methane-oxidizing bacteria. Methanol did not enhance...

Degradation of 1-Naphthylamine by Activated Sludge Using Bioaugmentation
This paper presents the results of ongoing research using a novel bioaugmentation scheme for activated sludge (AS) treatment of trace levels of a hazardous compound (1-Naphthylamine, 1NA)....

The Ozone Layer: A Critical Analysis of the Management of Public Policy for Fluorocarbons
As environmental public policy becomes increasingly extensive it continues to have greater impact on the lives of each American. The management of the public policy formation process varies...

Magnetic Fluid Conditioning
Industry is now turning to develop magnetic water treatment in an effort to discontinue the use of chemicals. Magnetic water treatment takes a different approach to solving the same problem...

Products of Chloramination in Dilute Aqueous Solution
Chloride and nitrate formation was determined in the reaction of chlorine with ammonia in molar excess, in dilute aqueous solution. Nitrate was formed under all conditions investigated....

Chemical Sludge Treatment?A Way of the Future
Recently, chemical treatment of municipal sludges has become an alternative to incineration, composting, and digestion. The commercial processes have evolved into three categories of chemical...

Degradation of Ortochlorophenol in Aerobic and Anoxic-Aerobic Processes
Removal of OCP in sequencing batch reactors was shown to be independent of the presence or lack of co-substrate and independent of SRT for fully aerated reactors. The reactors with an...

Electronic Computation
This proceedings, Electronic Computation, consists of 46 manuscripts presented at the Tenth Conference on Electronic Computation held parallel...

Breaking Down the Barriers
The structural engineering of multistory buildings is a complex and time-consuming chore, but new design and analysis tools can greatly simplify the task. The article traces the development...

Mercury in Fish and Water in New Impoundments?A Review of the Literature
Evidence to date indicates that only one metal, mercury, systematically bioaccumulates to ecologically significant concentrations as a direct result of impoundment. This bioaccumulation...

In-Mine Hydroelectric Power Generating Station
Mines in the world are continually descending to greater depths in the search of mineral deposits. Water and energy usage are crucial to expansion. To help deal with this problem, Freeport...

Design of Powerhouse Spiral Case Considering Three-Dimensional Action
A commonly used approach of designing semi-spiral cases for Kaplan turbine installation using two-dimensional frames becomes unsuitable for large diameter turbines and/or high heads. The...

Stability Analysis of Gravity Dam Foundations with Horizontal Seams
Determination of the overall factor of safety against sliding is an important aspect in concrete dam design. Limit equilibrium methods have serious limitations. A method for determining...





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