Monitoring Scour at Bridge Piers in Snohomish Co., WA
Washington State, Snohomish County Public Works Department is using a new Fixed Mechanical monitoring device, to augment its current program of monitoring scour at bridge piers. The Public...
Scour Study for Bridge Design on Temecula Creek
Channel-bed scour was studiedfor the proposed new Pala Road Bridge on Temecula Creek in Riverside County, California. In order to determine the general scour, sediment transport and potential...
Scour in Erodible Rock II: Erosive Power at Bridge Piers
Scour depths around bridge piers founded on erodible rock can be determined by making use of the Erodibility Index Method. This method defmes an erosion threshold by relating the erosive...
Contraction Scour at Bridges Founded on Clay Soils
With the federally mandated bridge scour program deadline of January 1997 approaching, scour evaluations are in full progress in many states around the country. A common physical situation...
Design of Riparian Habitat Replacement in Active Floodplains
Conventional flood control engineering techniques and approaches that have been traditionally been applied are now challenged by the public and no longer readily available as floodplain...
The Balanced Indigenous Population (BIP) and Statistical Process Control (SPC) in Marine Pollution Ecology
This account discusses the regulatory requirement of maintaining a Balanced Indigenous Population (BIP) as it relates to an ocean outfall. A brief history of the development of the BIP...
Overview of the US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control Channels Research Program
The objective of the Flood Control Channels Research Program, currently being conducted at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, is to develop design guidance and systematic...
Bridge Hydraulic and Scour Analysis Using FESWMS-2DH
Stream crossings are usually designed to satisfy all engineering and enviromnental constraints at the lowest possible cost. As a result, roadway approach embankments leading to bridge...
Using HEC-RAS to Compute Scour at Bridges
HEC-RAS (River Analysis System) is an integrated system of software, designed for interactive use in a multi-tasking environment. The system is comprised of a graphical user interface...
Biopolymers for Geotechnical Applications
A number of bacteria, e.g.,
Identifying Potential Trophic Relationships and Bioaccumulation Pathways between Fish and Invertebrates
A large ocean monitoring database was used to quantify relationships between demersal fish, epibenthic macroinvertebrates (EMI) and benthic infauna that provide potential pathways for...
Determination of Bridge Scour Velocity in an Estuary
Determination of the appropriate design for protection against bridge pier scour depends significantly upon the design velocities at the project site. In estuaries with large influences...
Sanitary Sewer System Modeling Model Comparison Racine, Wisconsin
As the use of computers continues to increase within the engineering profession, hydraulic computer models are used to simulate major interceptors and sometimes the entire sewer system....
Non-Federal Flood Control Works Inspection Program
This paper presents a general description of the Non-Federal FCW Inspection Program and results obtained from the evaluations already completed. A discussion of the GIS package for data...
Testing and Effectiveness of a New Urban BMP Storm
Stormwater management for water quality control, pollution prevention and pretreatment can be a difficult problem for the development design professional, a costly and time consuming problem...
Flood Control Studies for Arizona Communities
Severe flooding in the winter of 1992/1993 produced severe flooding across the State of Arizona. Damages were widespread and significant. Total public and private damages are estimated...
Floodplain Analysis of the Lower Santa Margarita River in Camp Pendleton Marine Air Base, California
Floods of 1993 caused extensive flooding of the Santa Margarita River, and significant damage to Camp Pendleton. A floodplain analysis was performed including an assessment of recent flood...
Applicability of Scour Equations in Tidal Areas
Bridge scour and waterway instability in the coastal region where waterways are subjected to tidal flow can be subjected to mass density stratification, water salinity, sedimentation (littoral...
Engineering Aspects of Wetland Mitigation
Wetland mitigation demands a multi-disciplinary engineering approach, and a systematic collection, evaluation and analysis of data. The design of a constructed wetland addresses these...
Emergency Repair of an Ocean Outfall
The County Sanitation Districts of Orange County (Districts) provide wastewater collection, treatment and disposal services for more than 2 million people in metropolitan Orange County....
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