Electrical Resistivity Techniques for Offshore Arctic Geotechnical Engineering Applications
The electrical resistivity of an arctic marine soil depends on the porosity, pore water salinity, grain size and shape, clay content, and degree of ice-bonding of the soil. Therefore,...

The Rapid Deployment System: A Method for Conducting In Situ Soil Tests from Moving Ice in The Arctic Offshore
A new system was developed which permits rapid helicopter assisted transport of a light-weight in situ geotechnical testing system to remote offshore sites situated on unstable first-year...

The Estimation of Ice Loads From Caisson Deformations Gulf Canada Molikpaq
The Gulf Canada Resources Mobile Arctic Caisson 'Molikpaq' is a bottom founded steel exploration platform capable of year-round operation in the Beaufort Sea....

The Role of Ice Gouging in Determining Global Forces on Arctic Structures
Structures built in water depths where ice keels are in contact with the seafloor can experience reductions in the environmental driving forces transmitted to structures due to seafloor...

Oilspill Response Technology for the Arctic
Alaska Clean Seas is a spill response organization whose area of interest includes all of the marine environment surrounding Alaska. It provides support to members in contingency planning,...

Probabilistic Description of Ice Forces on an Offshore Arctic Structure
A probabilistic simulation model has been developed to describe the frequency and outcome of multi-year ice floe encounters with a fixed offshore structure located in the Beaufort Sea,...

Spatial Analysis of Ice Charts
Spatial approaches to ice environment modeling can not only lead to better local hazard predictions but also produce regionalizations that are useful for construction, navigation, and...

Selection of Environmental Design Criteria for Arctic Structures
Where data are insufficient for calculation of extremes using probability theory, design criteria may be reasonable defined by combining available data, knowledge of physical processes...

Risk Assessment of Sea Bottom Scouring Using Fuzzy Set Theory
An approach to the assessment of risk to buried pipelines from ice gouging is developed using Fuzzy Set Theory. Statistical procedures currently used to analyze ice gouge data are inadequate...

SHADS: Mobile Arctic Drilling Platform
To minimize costs of Beaufort Sea exploration programs, the industry needed a mobile arctic drilling structure that requires little or no site preparation, does not require an active ice...

Santa Fe's Mobile Arctic Drilling Barge
There is a need for mobile units that can operate year-round in shallow Alaskan waters south of the Bering Strait for exploratory drilling and/or early production. Santa Fe has completed...

Offshore Seawater Intake in the Arctic
Waterflood has become a proven technique for enhancing oil recovery from oil producing reservoirs. At Arctic north slope areas, seawater has been used successfully for such operations....

Design and Model Testing of an Arctic Seawater Intake for Sedimentation and Wave Effects
A seawater intake structure is being designed to provide flood water for tertiary recovery of oil from the Kuparuk oil field near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. A wave effects study establishes...

Strudel Scour: An Arctic Seafloor Scouring Process
Strudel scour is an arctic phenomenon which occurs every spring when the fresh-water rivers melt and inundate the sea ice cover of the arctic sea. This fresh water flowing out over the...

Technical Considerations for Beaufort Sea Pipelines
The development of Beaufort Sea fields requires construction methods and equipment for pipeline installation and trenching providing a balance between safety, reliability, and economy....

Overview of Soil and Engineering Geologic Conditions in the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas
General soil and engineering geologic conditions that are likely to affect exploratory drilling and development activities in six Alaska OCS lease sale areas are discussed. Important conditions...

Strength-Deformation Properties of Arctic Silt
Hydrocarbon exploration and production activities in the Beaufort Sea require construction of gravity structures capable of withstanding extremely large ice loads at sites where the subsea...

Undrained Cyclic Behaviour of Beaufort Sea Silt
Cyclic loading behaviour of Beaufort Sea silt has been studied under triaxial conditions, with and without static shear stress, to define the resistance to liquefaction or cyclic straining...

Analysis of Liquefaction Potential of Hydraulically Placed Subsea Berms
The use of hydraulically placed sand for the construction of artificial islands for hydrocarbon exploration in the Beaufort Sea has necessitated detailed geotechnical evaluations of their...

Arctic Oil Spills in Relationship to Sea Ice Motion
Sea ice on a scale of a few kilometers must be treated as a granular material rather than a continuum. The floes are in nearly constant motion relative to a fixed frame and each other....





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