Sensitivity of CUHP-PC Computer Model
The Colorado Unit Hydrograph Procedure (CUHP) consists of effective rainfall reduction and hydrograph convolution processes. The primary assumption is an one-to-one response between rainfall...

Runoff Simulation, Homestake II Project
Wetlands issues raised in connection with the proposed Homestake II Project required an extremely detailed evaluation of basin hydrology. The Subalpine Water Balance Model (WATBAL) was...

Mathematical Modeling of Delta Deposits and Retrogressive Erosion in Reservoirs
A hybrid computer model which simulates mainly delta deposition and retrogressive erosion in reservoirs is described. Basic equations that govern the flow and bed changes used in the model...

Stage-Frequency Analysis of Closed-Basin Lakes
Devils Lake in North Dakota is used as a case study for the model development and application. The basis of the relationship developed in this study is the separation of the annual maximum...

Analytical Studies of the Schoharie Bridge Failure
Analytical studies consisted of geomorphic, hydrologic, hydraulic, and erosion analyses including mathematical modeling with HEC-1 and WSPRO, the new FHWA water-surface profile model....

Schoharie Creek Bridge Model Study
On April 5, 1987, a major storm occurred in the Schoharie Creek watershed and the resulting flood caused the bridge to fail. The hydraulic model of the bridge was performed to simulate...

Scour Downstream of the Straight Drop Spillway
Tests made to determine the effect of high tailwater and long duration flows on scour downstream of the straight drop spillway stilling basin are presented in this paper. Results are presented...

Local Scour Downstream of a Tunnel Outlet Structure
The local scour downstream of two different types of outlet structures is studied in laboratory experiments with an alluvial sediment. The outlet structure terminates a hydraulic model...

Parameter Estimation for Multiphase Porous Media Systems
Parameter estimation for multiphase flow in porous media involves estimation of nonlinear functional relationships. These include the capillary pressure - saturation relation and the relative...

Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation in Groundwater
Model parameters have to be estimated from historical input-output observations using inverse procedures of parameter identification. Unfortunately, because of the limitation of the quantity...

One-Dimensional Modeling of Dam-Break Flow
R.W. MacCormack method is used for the numerical integration of Saint Venant equations to simulate the propagation of one-dimensional dam-break wave. The computed water levels are compared...

An Approach for Modeling the Upper Chesapeake Bay
To resolve the bay geometry with a minimum number of grid points, boundary-fitted coordinates are employed. A major question is how to prescribe tidal boundary conditions at the Bay Bridge...

Finite Element Modeling in Free-Surface Hydromechanics
A finite element semi-discrete approximation is applied to the conservation law form of the two-dimensional, depth-averaged free-surface Navier-Stokes equations governing incompressible...

Importance of Density Gradient Terms in Estuaries
In estuaries classified as well-mixed or unstratified, two-dimensional depth averaged models have often been applied with the density considered as constant. Calculations, based on measured...

Flow and Quality Simulation of a Proposed Marina Development
A proposed off-channel marina development on the Sacramento River in California requires landfill in an area that is currently within the flood plain. Two dimensional computer models for...

Predicting Tidal Currents in San Francisco Bay Using a Spectral Model
This paper describes the formulation of a spectral (or frequency based) model which solves the linearized shallow water equations. To account for highly variable basin bathymetry, spectral...

FLDWAV: A Generalized Flood Routing Model
A new unsteady flow simulation model, FLDWAV, has been developed by the National Weather Service for application on either micro-, mini-, or mainframe computers. FLDWAV is based on an...

Evaluation of Diffusion Models for Flood Routing
A study has been conducted to define the range of conditions with respect to hydrographs and channels encountered by SCS engineers in flood plain/flood control projects and to test two...

Flow Field and Bed Topography in River Meanders
A mathematical model is developed for the calculation of flow field and bed topography in curved channels with an erodible bed. A small perturbation approach is used to linearize the governing...

Flood Event Prediction with Movable Bed Model
This study shows the applicability of using a numerical sedimentation model to analyze various problems related to flood-control design in an alluvial river. Problems concerned with maintaining...





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