Seismic Considerations for the Century Freeway
The Century freeway (Interstate 105), will be an 18 mile (29 km) long, six-lane facility with 2 central transit/HOV lanes, located in Los Angeles, California. The freeway alignment crosses...

Seismic Design for Sacramento Light Rail Transit System
The Sacramento Light Rail Transit Project is an 18. 5 mile system which provides the trunk line service for an integrated Bus/LRT public transportation system. Seismic design utilized...

Seismic Design of Underground Structures Southern California Metro Rail Project
The effect of earthquakes on underground structures is the imposition of an arbitrary deformation which cannot be changed by strengthening the structure. The structural design goal is...

CSMIP Strong-Motion Instrumentation and Records from Transportation Structures?Bridges
Seven transportation structures have been instrumented by the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (CSMIP), including four bridges. Records (in excess of 0. 25 g maximum acceleration)...

Seismic Design of Airport Control Towers
The paper describes state-of-the-art design in seismically active areas. It includes a review of current code design parameters and specific tower design criteria. Tower design examples...

Port of Seattle Seismic Waterfront Design
This paper describes the soil seismic design process, using the design developed for a concrete apron project at Terminal 20 as an illustration. Damage by the 1965 earthquake is described....

Performance of Water and Sewer Lifelines in the May 2, 1983 Coalinga, California Earthquake
Water supply and filtration systems for the City of Coalinga suffered little damage. The water transmission system suffered five breaks. The urban distribution system was disrupted, but...

Intermountain Power Project Seismic Design
Coal-fueled generation units of the Intermountain Power Project are constructed in a seismically active area of Utah (UBC Zone 3). The seismic design criteria were published during the...

A Summary of the Seismic Qualification Utilities Group (SQUG) Program
In 1980, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) designated Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46 to address the seismic safety of equipment in operating nuclear power plants. In 1982, the...

A Case Study in Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage
Capital funds have been appropriated for the design, engineering, and construction of an interim low-level radioactive waste storage facility. This project is currently in the preliminary...

Onsite Storage Facility for Low Level Radwaste
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has designed and constructed an onsite storage facility for low level radwaste (LLRW) at its Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant in northern Alabama. The paper...

Winter Snowpack Augmentation in Utah
The snowpack enhancement cloudseeding program in Utah was operated continuously for ten consecutive years prior to the 1983-84 water year. It was designed to augment water supplies in...

Weather Modification Potential ? Santa Clara Valley
Santa Clara County of California has been a water deficient area. The Santa Clara Valley Water District has an obligation to the community and to the other water users in the State to...

Groundwater Basin Storage in Southern California
The feasibility of implementing a groundwater storage program in the Chino Groundwater Basin (Chino Basin) to increase the firm yield of the SWP (California State Water Project) is considered....

Ground Water Economics in the San Joaquin Valley
Ground water pumping in the San Joaquin Valley to supplement surface water supplies has increased from about 200 thousand acre-feet per year at the beginning of this century to nine million...

Drip Irrigated Cotton: Economics and Water Savings
Groundwater withdrawals for cotton production in the arid Southwest account for about 15 percent of all groundwater withdrawals. In Arizona, cotton's proportion of groundwater...

Compression Load Tests on Concrete Piles in Alluvium
A series of tests was accomplished during the design phase for the West Seattle Freeway Bridge Replacement project. The results of instrumented compression load tests in alluvial deposits...

Lateral Load Tests of Piles in Sloping Rock Fill
A new container wharf constructed at the Port of Los Angeles features vertical prestressed concrete piles to provide both vertical and lateral support. A rockfill embankment used to allow...

Pile Foundation Movements During Construction
Two case histories concern a shipyard wharf and work bay in Los Angeles harbor and an oil refinery expansion in Sumatra, Indonesia. The case histories provide further data on the nature...

Government Agency Perspective on Standard for Drilled Shafts
Relative to the proposed ASCE standard for Design and Construction of Drilled Shafts, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) would be considered an 'owner'. However,...





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