Salvaging Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio has suffered from shrinking inner-city wealth resulting in reduced budgets for its urban infrastructure. Now, led by the Greater Cleveland Growth Association, the city...

Houston Moves to Unravel Traffic
Houston, Texas is growing and has more cash to invest in its infrastructure than most American cities. Roads are being repaired and improved, more highways built, and new management strategies...

Washington D.C. Suburban I66�Unique Compromise in Expressway Design
A controversial urban Interstate project with more than 40 years of history has reached the final stages of construction. Citizen participation in varying forms has led to the development...

ASCE Salary Survey 1981
This is the sixteenth report in a series of biennial salary surveys conducted by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Salary data is reported on seven major categories for civil engineers:...

Calendar: 1983 Brooklyn Bridge Centennial Calendar
Photos include: Spanning the River; The Caissons; The New York Caisson and Tower; Construction of the Towers; The Anchorages; Cable Making; The Cables Complete; Manhattan Tower; The New...

The Northern Community
A Search for a Quality Environment
Fifty-eight of the papers prepared by individuals attending the 1981 Specialty Conference on the Northern Community are presented. The papers are organized into seven main subjects related...

Recent Development in Geotechnical Engineering for Hydro Projects
Eleven of the papers presented at three sessions of the ASCE Geotechnical Engineering Division at the 1981 International Convention are included. The papers are divided into two subjects:...

The Hazardous Waste Dilemma
Issues and Solutions
The legal aspects, siting, management, disposal and site restoration of hazardous wastes are explored in an expansion of 30 of the technical papers that were presented at the 1980 conference...

Social and Economic Impact of Earthquakes in Utility Lifelines
Seismic Considerations in Lifelines Planning, Siting and Design
Lifeline earthquake engineering is explored as an attempt to mitigate seismic hazards to public utilities and transportation systems. Utilities and transportation are 50% of the property...

Historic Preservation of Engineering Works
The preservation of historic industrial and transportation engineering works is examined. Preservation is reviewed in the context of history, and preservation through recording is explored....

Joint Usage of Utility and Transportation Corridors
The problems and experiences of engineers working on transportation corridors are explored through 12 papers presented at a conference of the ASCE Pipeline Division. Corridors involve...

Surface Water Impoundments
One hundred sixty papers presented at a symposium on surface water impoundments are included, with the aim of providing analysis of existing impoundments and planning new impoundments...

Baltimore's Got the Subway Everyone Loves
Some of the innovations of Baltimore's 13.5-mile subway system are explored. The system, on which construction began in 1976, is under budget and on time. The first 7.5-mile...

Will Nuclear Power Survive in New England
Presently, New England is among those U.S. regions most committed to nuclear power, with one-third of its electric power coming from the atom. The most pressing task is for the region...

Hazardous Waste Management in California: Lessons for the U.S.
California has what many say is the best hazardous waste management program in the U.S. In fact, the Federal government used the California program as the basis for a national plan for...

Oregon Bridge Features Innovative Bell Piers, Floating Falsework
The I-205 bridge, scheduled for completion in 1983, will be a final link in a 40-mile highway east of Portland, Oregon. the substructure and superstructure design featured unusual technology....

Atlanta Airport Terminal Complex
The passenger terminal complex at Atlanta's Hartsfield International Airport has a unique configuration, conceived to minimize the inter-plane transfer of passengers. The...

Tampa's Hookers Point AWT Plant Working Well
The Tampa, Florida advanced wastewater treatment plant is designed to remove a high degree of BOD suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorous. Presently, the state has exempted the plant...

Luxury Hotel Features New York's First 8,000-psi Concrete
Designers of New York's $100-million Helmsley Palace Hotel realized significant economies by the use of high-strength concrete to replace structural steel and reduce column...

Managing the Alaska Pipeline Project
At one point in the mid-1970s, construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) was in big trouble�months behind and millions over budget. A major reorganization of the structure...





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