A Micro-Computer Simulation Model Based on South African Hydrology
This paper presents the development of a micro-computer compatible hydrological simulation model wherein an attempt has been made to satisfy some of the modelling needs in South Africa....

Reactive Transport of Suspended Particles
Monte Carlo simulation of the total probability density function for each constituent easily handles non-linear reactions and has a cost that increases only linearly with the number of...

Microcomputer-Based Index Testing of Hydroturbines
A computer-assisted system for performing index test on hydroturbines is described. This system allows for more rapid and accurate index testing of hydroturbines than has previously been...

Microcomputer Control for a Small Hydroelectric Peaking Plant
Peaking plants pose a special problem for control. The new facilities are generally a very small part of a large system. Determination of the parameters necessary to run the plant to best...

LANDSAT and Micro-GIS for Watershed Modeling
A microcomputer-based Geographic Information System (GIS) incorporating LANDSAT or other remotely sensed digital data greatly reduces the cost of watershed modeling. The computation of...

Input/Output Schemes for Microconverted Engineering Application Programs
When converting mainframe programs for microcomputer use, different input/output schemes are implemented depending on the type and volume of program data and ultimate use of the program....

Numerical Waterbody Dynamics and Small Computers
The numerical hydrodynamics of free surface flows as applied to waterbodies presents a number of challenges, including choice of the spatial differencing schemes including representation...

Sedimentation of Waste Particles in Coastal Waters
Environmental effects associated with various ocean disposal practices are determined to a large extent by the fate of waste particles. The importance of coagulation on particle deposition...

Brownian Coagulation in the Initial Mixing Region of a Buoyant Plume
The paper discusses reactive systems that share the following common phenomenon: their reaction is either controlled by both kinetics and diffusion, or fully by diffusion. It reports on...

Modeling Aquifer Sensitivity and Leachate Controls
This paper investigates the transport of waste leachate from a leaky containment facility using the computer model of Two-Dimensional Solute Transport and Dispersion in Ground Water developed...

Portland's New Water Pumping and Hydropower Station
The City of Portland, Oregon, recently placed into service a 100 mgd pumping station as a major milestone in developing a backup and emergency groundwater supply. The facility is also...

Minicomputers for TVA Reservoir System Operations
A project to develop a Water Resource Management Information (WATERMAIN) system was initiated. The WATERMAIN project identified a broad range of activities, including data collection,...

Yakima Remote Control System: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
The Yakima Remote Control System is a computerized supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system developed for the operation of the Bureau of Reclamation's Yakima Project in...

Streamflow Monitoring with Ultrasonic Recorders
In September 1983, four new streamflow monitoring sites were established in a west Chestnut Ridge catchment at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Ultrasonic level/flow recorders were used...

Personal Computers and Water Network Simulation
The advent of the 16 bit or larger personal computer has the potential for significantly increasing the availability of a powerful tool for hydraulics engineers. In the past, the understanding...

Water Distribution Systems Analysis and Graphics Using Microcomputers
In recent years, microcomputers have been increasingly employed in the analysis of water distribution systems. In addition to being used for hydraulic analysis, they can also be used to...

Computer-Assisted Problem Solving in Hydraulic Engineering
A number of practical hydraulic problems may be solved using software that allows interaction at the equation level rather than through higher level languages. This paper presents examples....

Water Supply Intake Structures on Western Rivers
Many of the problems experienced with water supply intake structures on western rivers result from a failure to mitigate the effects of moving sediments. Shallow but varying flow depths...

Use of a Spreadsheet in a Water Distribution System Analysis
Spreadsheet programs such as MULTIPLAN can be used for many, if not most, of the small design oriented problems for which programs using high level programming languages such as FORTRAN,...

Aquifer Management Using Discrete Kernels in Microcomputers
An interactive simulation model based on the 'Discrete Kernel Approach' (a Green's function approach) is presented. The response functions (or the...





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