Human Factors in a Bus Route Monitoring System
In 1984 the Maryland Mass Transit Administration began a systemwide route monitoring effort. Data collection was accomplished principally by on-board checkers using laptop Epson microcomputers...

Using Microcomputers for Maintenance Management in a Small Transit Agency
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation, (WISDOT) Bureau of Transit asked a small transit agency to join an UMTA funded project that would perform a needs assessment, locate or develop...

Development of a Statewide System for Routing and Scheduling School Buses
The State of North Carolina is in the first year of installing a Transportation Information Management System (TIMS). This paper describes the events over the past six years which have...

Microcomputer Applications for Pavements
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has been active in exploring expanded microcomputer applications with the goal of improving efficiency and benefits to the public through reducing...

Developing a Management Maintenance (Roadway Surface) System
The Clackamas County Department of Transportation and Development is responsible for maintaining 1,514 miles of roadway. Clackamas County, Oregon is part of the Portland, Oregon metropolitan...

A Pavement Management System for Cities & Counties
A regional agency, a pavement management consultant and six cities and counties in the San Francisco Bay Area have jointly developed a Pavement Management System (PMS) which runs on a...

Automated Pavement Management Systems for Agencies
This paper presents and assesses a microcomputer software package which has been designed for use in six cities and towns in Massachusetts. The package employs a readily available database...

Facilities Management and Capital Planning Systems
This paper explores the purpose, role, and structure of these systems, showing how micro-computers can be exploited to improve the quality of decision making in capital planning and related...

Role of Microcompiuters in Highway Weigh-in-Motion Systems
Microcomputer technology makes it possible to digitize the signals, calculate the desired factors, and record and display the information in real time at the weigh-in-motion (WIM) site....

SCT's Experience with Automated Fleet Management
Sonoma County Transit's (SCT) fleet maintenance program covers all aspects of repair and preventive maintenance, with the exception of major body work. This paper describes...

Maintenance Tracking With a Micro-Mainframe System
This system at Metro-North, called the Equipment Maintenance Information System (EMIS), contains defect/repair data for both scheduled and running repair maintenance. The primary on-line...

Maintenance Management in the National Park Service
De Leuw, Cather & Co. has recently designed and is in the process of implementing a nationwide, automated maintenance management system for the National Park Service (NPS). The...

Sell Your Organization on the Seven C's for Effective Microcomputer Management
Managing microcomputer resources within your organization is not always smooth sailing. This paper will highlight seven attributes which an organization would do well to follow for more...

Computers for the Transit Dispatch Office
In 1985 the Transportation Research Board sponsored a report by MacDorman and Associated titled 'Extraboard Management: Procedures and Tools'. The report targeted...

Cost-Effective Sizing of the Transit Extraboard
In 1983, the Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) provided funds to develop manual procedures known as the User's Guide to Optimizing the Transit Operator Work...

Traffic and Transport Data Management by Micro-Computer
Dealing with the multiple needs of an adequate traffic and urban transport information system is becoming a manageable task with the software and hardware presently available in micro-computing....

Highway Statistics Summary on Microcomputers
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is under an interagency agreement with the Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, to prepare the necessary historical highway...

Procedures for Evaluating TSM Projects
The constraints of limited funding, increasing demand and environmental impact have led to an increase in Transportation Systems Management (TSM) improvements on surface transport systems....

Simulation of Intersections During Reconstruction
In order to make computer simulation of intersections more appealing and easier to use, and interactive, menu-driven micro-computer program, called INTERCON (Michalopoulos and Plum, 1986),...

Microcomputer Expert Systems in Transportation Engineering
This paper reviews microcomputer-based expert systems in transportation engineering. Expert systems have great potential for solving ill-structured problems and for becoming useful tools...





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