Rescuing the Everglades
After a century of trying to control Florida's Everglades, water management officials have decided that cooperating with nature is better. A new strategy known as the Rainfall...

A Burning Wasteland Reclaimed
Until recently the PJP Landfill exemplified what can happen when uncontrolled and illegal dumping goes on for many years. Now it is an example of what innovation and imagination can do...

Fishing the Four-Lane
Recent changes in one Montana canyon have shown that even highways and freshwater fish can happily coexist with the proper planning. Twenty years ago, the Montana Department of Highways...

Engineers in Court
Engineers who like debating often serve as expert witnesses. Though many avoid forensic work because they find lawyers intimidating, some like the challenge of explaining engineering principles...

Building High Tech in China
The tallest steel structure in the People's Republic of China is being built by an international complement of designers, suppliers, vendors and contractors. It is the 42...

Sewers Get a Breath of Fresh Air
Domestic sewage pump stations and treatment facilities have long been plagued by corrosion and odor problems caused by hydrogen sulfide. It is also extremely toxic. Sulfide production...

Engineering a Marketing Plan
Marketing is today as much a part of the engineering firm as design, drafting, and analysis. As design firms face increasing competition, many principals have begun to recognize that the...

Integrated Information System for Traffic Control Device Management
Traffic engineers and planners have the day-to-day responsibility to maintain the safety and operational efficiency of streets and highways in their jurisdictions. Managing traffic control...

An Adaptive Control Strategy for Signalized Intersections
This paper presents a microprocessor-based computational strategy for real-time demand-responsive traffic signal control. The strategy, termed OPAC (Optimization Policy for Adaptive Control),...

Intelligent User Interface for Network Signal Optimization Programs
This paper presents the design philosophy and program intelligence used in EZ-TRANSYT and EZ-SIGOP, powerful multi-window input data managers for TRANSYT-7F and SIGOP-III, respectively....

ITEEMS: Reducing Mainframe Systems to Micro-scale
The Integrated Traffic Engineering and Enforcement Monitoring System (ITEEMS) is a microcomputer-based system which has an on-line display and analysis of accident records by street intersection,...

Microcomputers in Traffic Operations and Safety: Implementation Lessons for Small Agencies
This study develops and demonstrates microcomputer software for highway safety and traffic operations which meets the needs of small transportation and public works agencies. The study...

Evaluation and Testing of Travel Demand Software
Transportation planners are frequently confronted with issues and concerns related to varying levels of analysis detail. Although microcomputer packages exist to analyze regional, corridor...

NEDS?Network Editing and Display for TRANPLAN
This paper explores some of the current and possible future applications of interactive graphics packages to the tasks of analyzing and planning transportation systems. The source of the...

Mapping New York City from the Shelf
Data processing and management information systems are a cornerstone of the operating environment and capabilities of New York City (NYC) agencies. One of the functions that make NYC's...

A Model for Assessing Bus System Service and Fare Changes
This paper describes a performance indicator-based microcomputer spreadsheet model developed for the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Bus System. The Service Fare Adjustment (SFA) Model...

Computerization of Transit Performance Evaluatio
The Virginia Transit Performance Evaluation Package (VATPEP) has reduced the state's effort in processing information for its annual report on public transportation from over...

Use of the DEB Model in MARTA's Service Planning
The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) is in the process of expanding bus and rail services. The expansion program requires the preparation of annual and five year system...

Use of a Schedule and Runcut Simulator
The development of a computer program which simulates the transit scheduling and runcutting processes is discussed. The program, called OCRS, was developed for the Multi-Corridor Project...

Distributed Graphical Transit Scheduling System
The Graphical Scheduler is the latest of software products developed by SAGE for the transit industry. It was specifically designed to run on a micro-computer taking advantage of the latest...





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