Estuary-Wide Mitigation Options for Port Development in Tampa Bay, Florida
The need for a regional strategy to address the environmental problems resulting from port development in Tampa Bay was recognized as important for the improvement and protection of the...

Development of a Computerized Wetlands Mapping Data Base for Use in Section 404 Jurisdictional Determinatins in San Francisco Bay
Development and habitat alteration in the San Francisco Bay-Delta system have placed the remaining wetlands in jeopardy. The Bay-Delta wetlands will be mapped in a joint project of the...

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Ocean Monitoring Program?An Introduction to Environmental Aspects of the Engineering Design Process
A model describes how determinations can be made on the effects of an engineered work or product in the environment. The engineered work can be a new waterway, a wastewater diffuser system,...

Petroleum Development in Louisiana's Coastal Zone
The most intense petroleum development activity in the nation's coastal area has been concentrated in Louisiana. Most of Louisiana's production has occurred in...

Designed Reefs for Habitat Loss Compensation
Coastal and ocean development challenge resource managers responsible for the conservation and maintenance of marine and estuarine resources with the task of mitigating or compensating...

Sea-Level Rise and Marsh Vertical Accretion Rates in Chesapeake Bay
Chesapeake Bay marshes, in their wide variety of vegetation types, salinity ranges, and environmental settings provide a unique perspective on the relations between marsh vertical accretion...

Louisiana's Joint Public Notice System
The Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Management Division (CMD) implemented the Joint Public Notice System (JPNS), a cooperative agreement with the United States Army,...

An Update on Corps of Engineers Activities Along the California Coast
Preservation of shorelines around the nation has assumed dramatic importance for the Corps of Engineers and is exemplified by the early attention focused on California's beaches....

Hazard Mitigation Efforts in the Ocean City, Maryland Area
During a low frequency storm event, there is a considerable hazard along the bay shoreline of Ocean City as a result of high water flowing back over the barrier toward the ocean. The purpose...

Improving Public Access to the New Jersey Shoreline
The New Jersey ocean beaches provide enjoyable recreational opportunities for residents of and visitors to the state. The state's second largest industry, tourism, is dependent...

Reuse of the Brooklyn Waterfront
The New York District of the Corps of Engineers, under the New York Harbor Drift Collection and Removal Project, is in the process of removing unused and dilapidated piers along a portion...

Risk Analysis for Ship-Bridge Collisions
The authors have developed a propriety software package which has been successfully used to perform risk analyses for several high-level bridge structures across major waterways in coastal...

Beach Erosion Mechanics
Beach erosion along the coasts affects economic, political and conservation conditions. This paper defines the mechanics of the Coriolis Effect, caused by earth spin, along with storm...

The Statistics of Storm-Induced Sediment Resuspension
The passage of a storm increases the wind stress applied to the sea surface. This surface stress is partially dissipated as it is transmitted through the water column. Some fraction of...

Sea Level Rise and Wetland Loss
Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide and other gases are expected to raise global temperatures several degrees in the next century. Such a global warming could raise sea level a...

Longterm Changes of Tidal Regime in the German Bight (North Sea)
Sea level changes are caused by astronomical tides (periodical changes), meteorological, geological and oceanographical conditions, vertical movements of the earth's crust...

Use of Private Legal Actions to Protect Beaches
In response to shoreline migration, private oceanfront landowners often erect shoreline erosion control structures such as groins and bulkheads. These structures may exacerbate erosion...

Priorities for Federal Marine Pollution Research
To provide guidance for the national marine pollution research and monitoring program, a workshop was held recently to identify and assign priorities to the marine pollution issues facing...

Coastal and Ocean Resources for Energy Development
There has been a growing interest in renewable alternative sources of energy. An increasing effort is being directed towards the problem of extracting energy from the world's...

Improvement and Construction of Coastal Fishing Grounds in Japan
Development of coastal fishery has become one of the most important issue in the field of food supply. Basically, in order to promote coastal fishery, it is necessary to increase marine...





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