Three-Dimensional Stability Analysis of Carpenter Dam
This paper describes the three-dimensional stability analysis of Carpenter Dam. The presence of keyed construction joints between dam monoliths at Carpenter Dam can significantly affect...
In Situ Testing Performed at Jackson Lake Dam
Jackson Lake Dam was rehabilitated from 1986 to 1988 to increase seismic stability. Final foundation improvements consisted of dynamic compaction and mixed inplace soil cement columns....
Risk Assessment: A Tool for Dam Rehabilitation Decisions
A phased approach to the dam rehabilitation decision problem is presented. The approach is based on viewing the newer dam safety evaluation approaches of incremental damage assessment...
Prediction of Embankment Dam Breaching for Hazard Assessment
Downstream hazard assessments for dams require prediction of 1) whether a breach could form, and 2) the hydraulic characteristics of the breach for use in calculations of discharge and...
Risk-Based Methodology for Seismic Rehabilitation of Earth Dams
A methodology for seismic risk analysis of earth dams is described. The procedure utilizes seismological and geotechnical inputs together with the associated uncertainties and provides...
Reliability Analysis of Navigation Structures
Methods for probabilistic stability analyses of concrete monoliths at hydraulic structures were developed and tested. Numerous analyses were performed using data from six actual structures...
Design Considerations for Raising Existing Dams for Increased Storage
While a number of new dams have been constructed in the United States and other countries in recent years, much of the construction activity related to dams has involved the raising of...
Roller Compacted Concrete for Embankment Overtopping Protection
In the first National Dam Safety Inventory and inspection performed by the Corps of Engineers, the majority of deficiencies found were related to the inability of the project to retain...
Construction of CCM Overtopping Protection on Three Parkway Dams
Cellular concrete mat (CCM) systems have been installed as overtopping protection on three small embankment dams along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Based on field tests by others and on the...
Saylorville Spillway: Emergency to Service Spillway
The spillway for Saylorville Lake located on the Des Moines River, 12 miles north of the city of Des Moines, Iowa, a large metropolitan, was designed as an emergency spillway. Due to subsequent...
Seepage Control in Dam Rehabilitation
This paper is concerned with the control of seepage problems which develop in existing dams. It is prefaced with a discussion of attitudes and experiences that have evolved over the last...
Some Considerations for Remedial Grouting for Seepage Control
The inadequate performance of grout curtains and the consequent need for remedial and supplementary grouting of dam foundations probably arises, in essentially all cases, from a combination...
Rehabilitation of Cracked Embankment Dams
Cracking is a common phenomenon in many earth embankment dams and especially those small to medium size dams constructed on compressible soil foundations. Collapsible soil conditions,...
Mud Mountain Dam Concrete Cutoff Wall
Mud Mountain Dam is an earth and rockfill flood control dam on the White River. The dam is located approximately 50 km southeast of Seattle, Washington. The dam was constructed in 1941...
Landslide Stabilisation at the Clyde Power Project, New Zealand
The Clyde Power Project is a hydro electric development on the Clutha River in the South Island of New Zealand. A wide range of stabilization measures have been used to treat several large...
The Stabilization of Concrete Dams by Post-Tensioned Rock Anchorages: The State of American Practice
Permanent post-tensioned rock anchorages have been used for over twenty years in America to stabilize existing concrete dams and their appurtenant structures. This paper provides a state...
Bond Stress Test on Rock Anchor in Clayey Siltstone
Seventy five rock anchors with design loads of 556 to 2040 kips were required for the 1000-foot long, 125-foot high, concrete gravity, Lake Lynn Dam to comply with current FERC engineering...
Rehabilitation of Crescent and Vischer Ferry Dams?Construction Techniques & Problem Solutions
This paper reviews some of the problems encountered during the rehabilitation of the Crescent & Vischer Ferry Dams and the techniques used to comply with strict water level regulations...
Improving Seismic Safety of Dams in California
A search of the dam files at California's Division of Safety of Dams has revealed that at least 94 dams have been improved for seismic stability. The results of the search are tabulated...
Development and Evaluation of Remediation Strategies by Deformation Analysis
Deformation analysis is providing guidance for the most efficient and economical seismic remedial treatments for Mormon Island Auxiliary and Sardis dams. The computer program TARA-3FL...
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