A Microcomputer Dispersivity Evaluation Method for Thick Aquifers
The Littoral Environment Observation (LEO) program uses volunteer observers recruited to obtain daily visual observations of such coastal variables as breaker height, wave period, direction...

Development of a Practical Method Simulating Oil Spill Migration (OSPIM) in Soils
Many ground-water modeling studies can be performed on currently available microcomputers. The greatest problem associated with the proliferation of ground-water modeling software for...

Application of a Detachable Gondola Ropeway in an Urban Transport Environment: New Orleans, La.
The first United States application of the detachable, monocable, gondola ropeway system as an urban transportation system is presented. The system is the Mississippi Aerial River Transit...

Automated Analysis of High Accident Locations
Identification of high accident locations and associated accident causative factors as well as determination and evaluation of appropriate remedial measures at these sites are continuing...

Feasibility Assessment, Planning and Programming of Downtown People Mover Installations
Based on the author's personal experience, this paper sets forth suggested guidelines for progressing from initial feasibility studies through implementation of automated...

How Will People Movers Affect Downtown Areas?
The year 1980 was a pivotal one for the downtown automated people mover development process in both Detroit and Miami. In that year both cities completed their preliminary engineering/environmental...

The Possibility of People Mover Cost Reduction in Japan
One of the major problems preventing the introduction of people movers into urban areas is their expensive unit cost in comparison with existing transport technologies. In this paper,...

Urban Experience with AGT in North America
This paper gives a brief historical review of events behind the four Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) system deployments which are approaching public operations during 1985 and 1986. Particular...

Planning-Miami Downtown People Mover
This paper presents the Miami Downtown People Mover Story, now officially called METROMOVER. METROMOVER is a fixed, elevated, fully automated people mover, which was developed as a feeder-distributor...

Status of Tampa's Downtown People Mover
There are currently three People Mover Systems either in the planning stage, construction stage, or operational stage in Tampa. Tampa International Airport has had a Westinghouse Shuttle...

Iterative Design and Evaluation of APM Alternatives
This paper addresses the wide range of cost, performance, and impact criteria which are important in the assessment of automated people-movers in major activity centers. Utilizing a detailed...

Dynamic Simulation of a DPM Auto Intercept System
This paper reports on the application of the UMTA Station Simulation Model (USS), which incorporates a dynamic path-choice algorithm, to model the diversion of motorists to a downtown...

A People Mover for O'Hare International Airport
The paper addresses the considerations explored and the final plan identified as the most acceptable solution for implementation of an automated people mover at the Chicago-O'Hare...

The Birmingham, England, Airport Maglev Transit Link
This paper outlines the principal design and operating features of the world's first magnetically-levitated transit link which went into public service at Birmingham Airport...

Denver Auraria People Mover
A discussion of a specific Urban Transportation solution to a major automobile parking problem at the Auraria Higher Education Center in Denver is presented. A special focus as to the...

City of Pittsburgh Horizontal Elevator Experience: A Unique Application
The City of Pittsburgh is developing a unique and innovative application of horizontal elevator technology for use as downtown people-movers. The paper reviews the horizontal elevator...

Ultra Light Mass Transit?Today's Costs and Environmental Breakthrough in Mass Transit and People Movers
The paper presents an introduction to Ultra Light Mass Transit Systems under development by Flyda Limited, England. Special emphasis is given to the order-of-magnitude reductions in the...

Joint Use Right-of-Way Agreements for the Miami Metromover System
This paper presents an overview of the right-of-way acquisition process for the Miami automated people mover system (METROMOVER). The cost associated with the acquisition of the necessary...

Station Design Approach to Peoplemover System
This paper examines some of the real issues that face the planners and designers of tomorrow's urban people movers. Concerns such as the urban context of the Miami METROMOVER,...

Safety Aspects of Detroit DPM Station Designs
The Detroit Downtown People Mover (DDPM), currently under construction in the Central Business District of downtown Detroit, offered a unique set of challenges to the architects and engineers...





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