Effects of Dredging and Dredge Spoil Disposal on Fisheries Resources in the New York State Barge Canal
The New York State Department of Transportation initiated a study in the summer of 1982 in the New York State Barge (Erie) Canal in the vicinity of Rochester, N. Y. The purpose of the...

Capped In-Water Disposal of Contaminated Dredged Material
The Seattle District and the Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Vicksburg, Mississippi, are cooperating in a field demonstration study to evaluate the effectiveness...

A Comparison of Seven Lake Dredging Projects
Over the past decade, dredging has been increasingly recognized as one method for restoring some of the country's numerous eutrophic lakes. While certainly not appropriate...

Cooperative Maintenance Dredging: a Strategy for Small Harbors
In a response to the continuing overall significance of harbor activities and the recognition of less than optimal existing harbor maintenance procedures, the feasibility of a cooperative...

The Experience of the St. Paul District Corps of Engineers, with State Coordination of Dredging Activities
The St. Paul District annually dredges about 1 million cubic yards of predominately clean sandy river sediments. Most of this volume comes from our maintenance of 284 miles of the 9-foot...

Environmental Legislation Impact on the Port of New York and New Jersey
Environmental legislation since 1972 has resulted in an extensive evaluation of dredged material disposal alternatives for New York Harbor navigation projects. Consideration has been given...

The Corps' Environmental Effects of Dredging Programs
The major programs addressing environmental effects of dredging and disposal that have been or are being conducted by the Corps since 1973 are: Dredged Material Research Program, Dredging...

Current Issues in Rock Dredging
An attractive alternative to the use of explosives for deepening shipping channels is the improvement of the rock cutter suction dredger. But, assessing the capability and design parameters...

Confined Disposal Area for Port Hueneme Harbor, Calif.
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, is responsible for maintenance of harbors along the Coast of California from Morro Bay Harbor to San Diego Harbor. As part of this...

Alternative Upland Disposal Techniques for Dredged Material in Urban Areas
The project involves the dredging and disposal of 750,000 cubic yards of soft organic silts from a 32 mile long manmade Canal that tranverses through Central New Jersey and is known as...

Influence of Roughness on Velocity and Dispersion at Low Flow
Dependence of the hydraulic and transport characteristics of low flow on channel roughness is investigated. Empirical expressions are used to estimate roughness coefficient as a function...

Movement of Tractive Sediment from Disturbed Lands
The Smoky Creek basin of the coal area of northeastern Tennessee shows extensive evidence of tractive movement of coarse sediment from mined tributary basins into the main channel. Coal-rich...

Plunge Pool Erosion in Cohesive Soils at Two Dams in Kansas
Results of a field study of two plunge pools scoured by horizontal pipe outlets discharging on cohesive channels are analyzed. Formulas for critical tractive shear stress based on plasticity...

Sedimentation Study for the Rochester, Minnesota, Flood-Control Project
In a cooperative effort, the U. S. Army Engineer District, St. Paul (NCS), and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) planned a combined flood-control project. The SCS portion of the project...

Upper Hudson River Valley Dam Break Model
In order to determine areas of inundation due to the failure of Conklingville Dam, a dam break analysis was performed, and the resulting outflow hydrograph was routed through the downstream...

Predicting Ground-Water Drainage to Surface Mines
A two-dimensional, finite-difference numerical model is used to simulate the drainage of ground water into a surface coal mine. Graphs of dimensionless head as a function of dimensionless...

Vacuum Assisted Pipelines Operation
In the process of upgrading the sewerage facilities for Lancaster, Pennsylvania, it was decided to combine two existing facilities into one new facility. This required the design of three...

Milwaukee Sewerage District Interplant Pipeline
The pipeline is intended to transfer solids between the Jones Island and South Shore treatment works a distance of approximately 12 miles (19. 3 km). The 4 conduit pipeline comprising...

Hydrotest Rupture of Penstuck Liner at Bath County
Bath County is the construction site of Virginia Electric and Power Company's pumped storage project. Rupture of a penstock liner during hydrotest at high pressure threatened...

Willow Creek Dam--To Be or Not To Be
In Heppner, Oregon, several alternatives for flood control were considered. A concrete gravity dam constructed using roller compaction methods was selected because of the greatly reduced...





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