Metrication�� An Australian Non-Event
Australia's experience with metrication indicates that a series of small, but rapid conversions, well planned in advance, can minimize the cost and inconvenience associated...

Highway Fill�� A Broad-Crested Weir
Hurricane Agnes in June, l972, destroyed the bridge over the Middle Patuxent River in Maryland which had suffered damages from several other storms. Replacement costs had to be kept low...

The Recycling of a River
After a century of neglect and degradation, the South Platte River is undergoing a process of transformation to become the most significant recreational resource in the Denver area�� a...

Falsework Eliminated in Bridge Erection
The U.S. Highway 50 bridge just east of North Vernon, Ind., is one of the first applications in this country of the precast, prestressed concrete box girder design erected without falsework....

Computer Cartography Offers County Unlimited Combinations and Considerable Savings
A Sacramento County pilot program to compare conventional scribed overlay mapping with computer cartography has shown that initial savings of nearly $6,000 per square mile result when...

Economics of Preventive Highway Maintenance
The preventive maintenance concept for asphaltic highway surface care is intended to give all areas of the Kansas Department of Transportation the necessary procedures for such work. The...

Industrial, Municipal Wastes Combined
The design of the facility in South Paris, Maine, is based on a modified secondary activated sludge treatment process. Because of the quality of the specific industrial wastes being treated,...

Minorities in the Engineering and Scientific Profession
This publication consists of papers presented to the Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives, August 14, 1976 in Atlanta, Georgia. Topics of papers include creating pipelines:...

Difficult Dam Problems�� Marginal Spillway Stability
In l965 the Corps of Engineers began a program of inspection and reevaluation of its older dams to determine if they are satisfactory based on present day standards. The study of the spillway...

Los Angeles Pioneers Separate Busway
The San Bernardino Freeway Express Busway, a joint project of the Southern California Rapid Transit District and California Department of Transportation, is the nation's first...

Recycling Allows Zero Wastewater Discharge
St. Petersburg, Florida, committed itself to total recycling of its wastewater with zero discharge to its surrounding bays. They plan to accomplish that goal through land disposal techniques....

Russia Redistributes River Flow
Large interbasin water-transfers are underway with several more scheduled in the Soviet Union, changing the direction of natural river flow. The overall plan is to expand agricultural...

Interstate Highway System
Eventually to cost nearly $90 billion, the Interstate Highway System will connect all U.S. cities of 50,000 and larger, eventually carry 25% of all highway traffic. The article traces...

Designing for the Disadvantaged: Optimum Design Considers All Users
Design practices in recent engineering projects show that consideration for the full human utility of building and transportation systems is receiving increasing attention. Previously,...

British New Towns and the Civil Engineer
Since World War II Britain has built or is building several dozen New Towns. The first, designed to absorb London's growth, pioneered with breakthroughs in housing layouts...

Diary of a Sick Control System
A fictional account of the diary of Joe Civil, an engineer involved with a new computer control system for a 33 mile water pipeline. The diary relates many mishaps and ends with the note...

Interstate Squeezes through River Gorge
The Virgin River Gorge in northern Arizona, a designated wilderness area, now contains one of the most beautiful and spectacular segments of our Interstate Highway System. Interstate 15,...

Nation's Capital Faces Critical Water Problems
Untroubled by any major impoundments and much troubled by polution in its tidal reaches, the Potomac River continues to flow to the sea, while an increasing population depends on this...

Difficult Dam Problems - - Cofferdam Failure
Uniontown Locks and Dam on the Ohio River was under construction when the cofferdam failed ten days after being dewatered during a rising river period. The configuration of the failure...

Flow Equalization�Plus for Wastewater Treatment Plants
Flow equalization is important in maintaining optimum level performance in chemical water treatment plants. One way to do this is to build storage tanks upstream to regulate flow instead...





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