Hydrogeologic Investigations at a Superfund Site in Wisconsin
An estimated 10,000 drums of volatile organic wastes from a nearby manufacturing plant were dumped at a landfill site in southern Wisconsin. Chemicals released from these drums have contaminated...

Hydrocarbon Refining Waste Stabilization for Landfills
Mobile pollutants are generated in a landfill as a function of the waste properties and the response of the deposit to the in-situ stress, climate and biochemical conditions. Release of...

Thickened Slurry Disposal Method for Process Tailings
Common practice in the disposal of process tailings consists of impounding the wastes as thin slurries or suspensions in diked containment areas. Such a procedure poses problems relating...

Water Treatment Plant Sludge as Landfill Liner
Chemical sludge is produced in large quantities during the water treatment processes. The present regulations pertaining to the disposal of solid wastes impose many constraints on any...

Conversion of a Reservoir Into a Landfill Site
The Writer is acting as a geotechnical consultant during the conversion of a disused water reservoir into a landfill site for domestic and industrial refuse. The site developer had no...

Stabilization of FGC Wastes
Presently, flue gas cleaning (FGC) wastes (scrubber sludges and flyash) are produced in large quantities, with future production likely to increase as utilities install additional stack...

Environmental Monitoring and Observations Before and During Excavation of a Landfill in Owatonna, Minnesota
A Minnesota landfill inactive since 1962 was excavated in 1985 to prepare the site for construction of a new waste water treatment plant. The excavation refuse was disposed of in nearby...

Modelling of Contaminant Transport in Clays Via Irreversible Thermodynamics
This study develops a model for the analysis and prediction of contaminant transport in soils using principles of irreversible thermodynamics. The developed model includes five parameters...

Detection, Control, and Renovation of Contaminated Ground Water
The papers in this book provide technical guidance to engineers regarding the problems, solutions, and uncertainties associated with groundwater contamination in the United States. The...

Water Jets: Concrete Yes, Tunneling Maybe
High pressure water jets are demolishing concrete from bridge and parking decks, faster and at lower cost than by traditional means. The technique is fast becoming an acceptable option....

Little Bubbles, Big Payoff
Fine poor diffusers often boost the energy-efficiency of aeration in sewage plants by 25-50%. This is important because the combined energy bill of all U.S. municipal sewage plants is...

Worth a Thousand Words
In recent years, microcomputers have grown powerful enough to take over many of the functions that once, only a mainframe could understand. In addition, they have added a few tricks of...

Predicting Equipment Failure
At Cleveland's Westerly Water Pollution Control Center, the physical/chemical plant for treating wastewater is one of the largest of its kind, with 50 mgd average capacity....

Delivery System Schedules and Required Capacities
The delivery of irrigation water to farmers from irrigation districts vary considerably from one project to another. A number of delivery schedules have been identified according to the...

Irrigation Water Management with Rotation Scheduling Policies
Rotation schedules are delivery-system oriented and represent relatively low capitol investment in system components and system management, but are not usually responsive enough to crop...

System Scheduling for Large Farming Operations
Irrigation scheduling uses evapotranspiration data to recommend the time and amount of the next irrigation on a field by field basis. System scheduling minimizes the cost of water deliveries...

Arranged Delivery Schedules
The method of delivery of irrigation water to farmers from irrigation districts vary considerably from one project to another. Rotation delivery systems usually place too many restrictions...

Demand Irrigation Schedules
This class of schedules consists of Demand and Limited Rate Demand. They need no communication system and can satisfy the on-farm needs with negligible constraint. The Demand schedule...

Structuring Distribution Agencies for Irrigation Water Delivery
The performance of an irrigation project is significantly influenced by the organization which distributes water to users. It is demonstrated that a intermediate level authority, typically...

Overview of Canal Control Concepts
An overview of terminology and philosophies of canal control, plus brief descriptions of canal automation technologies, is given. The justification given for examining control schemes...





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