Iceberg Impact Load on a Gravity Based Structure
The mechanics of the eccentric collision of an iceberg against a fixed, rigid, gravity based structure are discussed. A closed form solution is derived for the case of infinite friction...

A Self-Refrigerated Gravel Pad Foundation for Large Thermal Loads
Design criteria for a proposed power plant at Thule Air Force Base, Greenland, involved both large thermal loads from the diesel engines and large static loads from an eight foot thick...

Development of a Self-Heating Thermal Probe for Saline Permafrost
Geothermal modelling and prototype testing are described to support the development of a self-heating thermal probe. This has application for in-situ determination of the amount of unfrozen...

Design Evaluations in Support of Offshore Facilities and Gravel Islands in the Arctic
Development of oil resources in Northern Alaska has involved the design of nearshore and offshore facilities and structures in the Beaufort Sea and Prudhoe Bay in water depths ranging...

Design of Modular Structures for the Arctic
Sohio's efforts to continue the production and initial processing oil from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska requires additional production enhancement equipment on the Alaskan North Slope...

Snow Load Design for Colorado Mountains
During the past decade, Colorado mountain construction has experienced a period of rapid growth. New ski resorts and other business developments have resulted in many new facilities. For...

Ester West Slide?A Case History
An 80 foot high embankment was benched into graphitic schist permafrost on a north facing slope approximately 25 miles west of Fairbanks, Alaska. Soon after construction approximately...

Characterization of the Dalton Highway Foundation Soils
A case study is presented of the landform-based probabilistic-statistical route geotechnical characterization of natural foundation soils along the Dalton Highway. Landforms were mapped...

An Economical Approach to Receiving Coal by Rail in the Sub-Arctic Environment
During the period 1983 to early 1985 a multimillion dollar coal transfer facility was designed and constructed in Seward, Alaska. The facility transfers coal from rail cars to temporary...

Long Term Performance of the Goldstream Creek Bridge
In 1964 the Alaska Department of Transportation and the U. S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory initiated a cooperative study which in the long-term generated a significant...

A Thermal Analysis of Pavement Thawing
This research focuses on identifying the spring thawing period for the purpose of timing load restrictions on low to medium volume roads in frost-susceptible areas. Cases evaluated include...

Terrain Analysis From Space Shuttle Photographs of Tibet
Several Space Shuttle missions obtained false color and large format, high resolution, black and white stereo photography at an approximate scale of 1:800,000. In addition to available...

An Overview of Cold Region Considerations for the Design of the Eklutna Water Project
The paper presents a brief overview of cold regions considerations that were considered during the design of the various elements of the Eklutna Water Project in Anchorage, Alaska. The...

Massive Ice Detection by Earth Resistivity
This paper presents two case histories utilizing remote sensing earth resistivity equipment to target subsurface massive ice locations. In one case, a number of probe locations were made...

Repair Welding of Arctic Offshore Structures and Vessels
This paper describes the welding procedure development for repair or field modifications of offshore drilling structures and vessels made with several different steel grades produced for...

F.E.M. Analysis of Mobile Arctic Caisson Island With Stochastic Material Properties
The paper examines how soil uncertainty influences the short term settlements and stresses of the Mobile Arctic Caisson on the original sea bed. Utilizing a two-dimensional plane strain...

Moisture Effects on Extruded Polystyrene Insulation
The amount of moisture within the insulation was determined by carefully weighing each sample and then measuring its volume. Two methods of measuring thermal conductivity were used. The...

Wave Forces on an Arctic Monotower Platform
At offshore lease sites located along the western coast of Alaska, longer periods of open water can be expected. As a result, wave induced hydrodynamic loading will become a more significant...

Upper Delaware River Ice Control?A Case Study
During February 1981 a castastrophic breakup ice jam occurred along a reach of the Delaware River near Port Jervis, NY, causing 14. 5 million in damages. In February 1982 another breakup...

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Preliminary Structural Design
The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) deals with the problems of modeling human intelligence. The application of AI to structural engineering has been limited, but potential applications...





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