California's Food Industry: Wastewater Management Challenge
The demand for food products throughout the United States and the world has been partially responsible for the continuous growth of agriculture and food processing in California. This...

Harnessed Water Power Spawns First Great Industrial City
Lowell, Mass. was founded in 1822 at a site on the Merrimack River. The city's developers brought together some of the most advanced ideas of the day in the areas of power...

1842: Old Croton Aqueduct Brings Water, Rescues Manhattan From Fire, Disease
From 1774 to 1835 Manhattan experienced tremendous growth but needed better water supply to protect public health and to fight fires. Several proposals for providing water were forwarded...

The Magnificent Obsession of TVA
Before the TVA came, the Tennessee Valley region was one of the nation's poorest: no electricity; deep, gullied erosion of the hilly farm country; periodic devastating flooding...

State-of-the-Art Report Composite or Mixed Steel-Concrete Construction for Buildings
This report examines the interacting behavior of concrete with structural steel in building construction. Topics covered include composite columns, composite beams, trusses, and slabs,...

Water Management for Irrigation and Drainage
Proceedings of the ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Division Specialty Conference on Water Management for Irrigation and Damage, held in Reno, Nevada, July 20-22, 1977. Sponsored by the Irrigation...

The Current State of Knowledge of Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
Proceedings of the Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering Specialty Conference, held at the University of California, Los Angeles, California, August 30-31, 1977. Sponsored...

Interstate Highway System
Eventually to cost nearly $90 billion, the Interstate Highway System will connect all U.S. cities of 50,000 and larger, eventually carry 25% of all highway traffic. The article traces...

Philadelphia-three ages of a city
On these pages are the profiles of the City of Brotherly Love in three eras. First come the founding years, and the story of why, though only half as old as Boston and New York, by 1750...

Sewering the City of New York
The establishment of a centralized sewerage agency in 1963 has enabled the development of a program to upgrade and augment New York City's sewer system to meet the vital life...

Converting Solar Energy to Hydrogen: Answer to U.S.'s Long-Range Energy Needs�
Sunshine is an abundant, inexhaustible, non-polluting energy source; it is free; and no foreign country can control it. The problem arises in harnessing, storing and transporting the power...

Automatic Surveying � Updating Canada's Control
With Litton's Auto-Surveyor system you can perform third-order surveys driving at highway speeds or flying in a helicopter. With proper planning...

Inflatable Dam Regulates River Level
Inflatable dams are economically feasible for maintaining a required constant water elevation on rivers and streams where flooding poses problems. Puncture resistant material, inflated...

La Guardia Airport Parking and Terminal Frontage Structure
One of the world's largest parking structures, at New York City's La Guardia Airport, is of special interest because the structural steel has no fireproofing....

Gabions, Perforated Pipe and Gravel Serve as Fish Screens
A type of structure to prevent juvenile salmon from diverting to irrigation ditches has been developed on the Merced River in central California. It was built after cost considerations...

Today's Northwest Passage
The Lower Snake River Project received the outstanding water resources engineering project award for 1976 from ASCE. The lower 140-mile (225-km) reach of the Snake River from its mouth...

First Bridge Across the Yukon River
Until recently, the Yukon River was a major obstacle in constructing a roadway to the oil-rich North Slope of Alaska. But on October 10, 1975, that obstacle was hurdled when the first...

The Le Grande Hydroelectric Development
The James Bay Hydroelectric Project, presently under construction in northern Quebec, is one of the world's largest energy developments. Four major powerhouses are planned...

Three Towns: Three Different Solutions to Stormwater Control
That an engineer is a creative solver of people-problems was shown in Kentucky, where a consultant designed stormwater control systems in three towns�� and came up with three different...

Washington Metro: Our National Model
The first segment of Washington D.C.'s rapid transit railway is now open. The system features a host of engineering innovations in the areas of aerial structures, tunneling,...





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