Present World Situation Concerning Water and Agriculture Output
The supply of water for drinking and industrial purposes and for irrigation is becoming one of the more critical problems in the world and especially in developing countries. It is a topic...

Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management
Prepared by the Water Quality Technical Committee of the Irrigation and Drainage Division of ASCE. Agricultural Salinity Assessment...

Surface Water Hydrology
A brief history is presented of activities in surface water hydrology by the Hydraulics Division since 1938. Included is an historical review of division activities in such areas as precipitation...

The CADD Landfill
Designing landfills with CADD, engineers have reduced cut and fill calculations from two weeks to two days. Aerial surveys arrive on magnetic tapes and are loaded into computers by in-house...

Effects of Salts on Soils and Plants
Salinity is a major constraint to crop production in many irrigated lands of the world. Management practices are needed for the control of soil and water salinity. The development of appropriate...

Irrigation Agriculture: Is it Sustainable?
Irrigation in (semi-) arid climates can be managed in such a way that it can be sustained indefinitely. Salination can be avoided by providing adequate drainage. Drainage, however, exacts...

Cokriging for Evaluating Agricultural Pollution
Subsurface drainage data from irrigated lands near Twin Falls, Idaho were used. Total Dissolved Solids and NO3-N were selected as variables. The...

Proposal for Combining Expert Systems and Canal Design
Expert Systems can be combined with a computer aided design methodology to develop a cost effective canal system. The System should consider a feasible set of design alternatives to satisfy...

Irrigation and Aquifer Management in Illinois
The ground-water resources in eastern Kankakee and northern Iroquois Counties, Illinois, have been used for irrigation for over 50 years. During the drought of 1988, 131 irrigation wells...

Response of a Surface Aquifer to Flood Irrigation
The response of an unconfined alluvial aquifer, and associated stream system, to recharge by flood irrigation in the New Fork River valley in western Wyoming was studied. A water budget...

Perspectives on Irrigation/Drainage Education and Training
The Task Committee on Water Resources Education and Training (TCWRE) was organized in 1985 for the purpose of conducting an opinion survey to assess the adequacy of current education and...

Systems Approach for Irrigation Management of Complex Projects Involving Large Number of Farmers Under Severely Arid Regions
An Irrigation Management Information System (IMIS) was developed for complex irrigation projects involving a large number of farms under severely arid conditions. This system is a computer...

The MSU Sprinkling Infiltrometer: A Device to Measure Time-to-Ponding
Time-to-ponding can be determined quickly and with minimal disturbance to the soil surface by the use of a sprinking infiltrometer developed at Michigan State University (MSU). Solenoid...

Chemigation Equipment for Protecting Water Quality
Concerns for protecting groundwater quality have brought forth some strict EPA regulations on equipment required for injecting pesticides into irrigation systems. These chemigation equipment...

Effective On-Farm Irrigation Scheduling in the Humid Southeast
An extension demonstration of a checkbook type irrigation scheduling system using a personal computer and spread sheet is described. The system incorporates typical crop water use curves,...

Aquatic Weed Control by Grass Carp in Cool Water
Diploid grass carp have significantly controlled problem aquatic vegetation during a 3-year study in a northern Colorado irrigation canal where water temperatures ranged from 0 to 25?C....

Drought in Tennessee: Implications on Irrigation System Capacity
Recent droughts in Tennessee have led to a study of the required irrigation system capacity for the state. Data from 1951 through 1988 were analyzed for probabilities of precipitation...

Agricultural, Meteorologic, and Hydrologic Drought Relations: Applications to Irrigation and Water Supply Planning
Meteorologic and hydrologic factors can combine to significantly reduce crop yields, leading to an agricultural drought. Agricultural and hydrologic droughts affect a large segment of...

The Influence of Water Tables on Herbicide Losses
Atrazine and metolachlor were applied preemergent on April 22, 1987, to silage corn on high watertable fields which were either subsurface drained (104 mm drain tubes 1 m deep) or surface...

Locating and Sizing Air Release Valves on Irrigation Systems
This writing is directed to persons involved in irrigation systems and describes the usage of air release and vacuum valves. Principles described are applicable to many other piping systems,...





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