Structural Engineering Lessons Learned From Hurricane Hugo
Hurricane Hugo purported to be 'The Storm of The Century' caused considerable property damage over a tremendously large area effecting nearly everyone and every...

Lessons Learned by the News Media
The paper summarizes a few things learned from the news media's experience in Hurricane Hugo and which they will try to do differently the next time. These include: simulcasting...

Development of Long Beach Downtown Marina
This paper describes the planning and construction of the new Alamitos Bay Marina just offshore of Long Beach's downtown shoreline. From an engineering standpoint the construction...

Offshore Oil and Gas Support Facility Siting Study
It has been estimated that the Bodega Basin, which extends offshore of Sonoma County, contains four areas of high potential for oil production, with a total of up tp 195 million barrels...

Focus Towards Partnership?Saguenay Marine Park Joint Management Test Case
This paper presents the recent trends in parks' establishment in Canada. It focusses on the Saguenay Marine Park where Government of Canada and Government of Quebec have joined...

Reactivation of the Oil and Hazardous Materials Simulated Environmental Test Tank (OHMSETT) Facility
The Oil and Hazardous Materials Simulated Environmental Test Tank (OHMSETT) was run by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from 1974 to 1988. This open-air tank was used to test...

Bayswater Park Restoration?The Case for Offsite Mitigation
A long term parking lot redevelopment, including a 33 acre (0.13 km2) expansion on an undeveloped parcel of the John F. Kennedy (JFK) International...

Potential Benefits of Harvest Refugia in Channel Islands National Park and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
Waters surrounding the California Channel Islands are managed for many diverse, and apparently conflicting, uses. Generally, activities are permitted that do not threaten long-term resource...

A Zoning Code Revision for Port Development?The Story of East Providence
The City of East Providence evaluated the effectiveness of the City's 30 year old zoning code and revised performance standards in the zoning text in light of possible marine...

Recreational Impacts on Coastal Habitats: Ventura County Fairgrounds, California
The doubling of California's population since 1960 has presented new challenges to the California Coastal Act's mandates to maximize public coastal access and...

The Role of Mitigation Funds in Mitigating Residual Impacts
Environmental Impact Reports/Statements (EIR/S) for four offshore oil and gas projects with onshore components in Santa Barbara county have identified potential impacts to coastal and...

Land-Use Issues Raised by Offshore Oil and Gas Development
While prudent development of offshore energy resources may provide benefit to the nation overall, it invokes several issues for local and regional planning. In particular, petroleum development...

Phased Engineering Development and Multiple Agency Review of Public Safety Issues
Several Santa Barbara County agencies have key engineering review responsibilities for new development. The magnitude of issues raised and the level of engineering review required for...

Land Disposal Restrictions and Mixed Waste Management
The Land Disposal Restrictions, imposed by Congress in 1984 and implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency, impose constraints on the management of mixed waste. Except in very...

Planning Subsurface Storage-Transport Facilities for Combined Sewer Overflow Control in Cincinnati, Ohio
The wastewater collection system in the greater Cincinnati area includes a large area served by a combined sewer system. The combined sewer system drains to the Ohio River and several...

Remedial Planning for the Former EXPO 86 Site
This paper describes the site characterization and remedial action planning effort that is being undertaken at the former EXPO 86 site in downtown Vancouver, B.C. The 200 acre site on...

Assessment of Effects of a Water Supply Withdrawal on Downstream Flows for Anadromous Fish Reproduction
A BASIC computer model was developed to simulate reservoir operations in conjunction with a proposed water supply withdrawal. The model was used to assess the potential impacts of the...

Environmental Impacts of Drought in the Tennessee Valley
Beginning in June 1984, the Tennessee Valley region entered the most severe, extended period of drought since record keeping began in 1890. The historical annual average rainfall across...

High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1991
The proceedings of the second annual international conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management, held on April 28 - May 3, 1991, Las Vegas, Nevada, provides information on the...

Pumped Storage Promise
With many utilities facing potential shortfalls in generating capacity, pumped storage hydro plants could be a key to meeting peak-period energy demand in the 1990s. Pumped storage plants...





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