A Methodology for Modeling Construction Requirements for a Manned Lunar Base
Before accurate modeling and planning of a manned lunar base can be accomplished, a methodology representing the construction-and-assembly process of lunar surface facilities must be developed....

Transportation by Pipelines in Space Colonies
The use of pipelines in space colonies to transport liquid, gas, solids and even passengers is not only feasible but also desirable. For many applications, pipelines offer a number of...

Use of Non-Terrestrial Materials for Large-Scale Space Activities
As the space program matures, space construction will evolve from assembly and deployment of systems fabricated on the Earth to projects constructed from locally available resources. The...

The Role and Functions of an Analog Moon Base
Over the past two decades numerous studies, workshops and symposia have identified the rationale for and characteristics of a permanently inhabited base on the Moon. This paper discusses...

Intelligent Construction Machines for Initial Planetary Shelter Fabrication
There have been any number of artists panoramas of initial base and habitat construction on other planetary bodies, notably recently the moon. Most of these conceptual drawings assume...

A Commonality Assessment of Lunar Surface Habitation
This paper presents a commonality assessment of lunar surface habitation. Thus far, NASA has baselined the space station common module for initial lunar base habitation; however, nothing...

A Phased Approach to Lunar-Based Agriculture
A manned lunar outpost will require agricultural facilities to provide for self-sufficiency. This paper examines a three phase approach which incorporates research on crop optimization....

Extraterrestrial Applications of Solar Optics for Interior Illumination
The major purpose of this paper is to introduce a terrestrial technology that we believe has potential extra-terrestrial applications. The technology is Solar Optics, which is subdivided...

Mobile Helium-3 Mining and Extraction System and Its Benefits Toward Lunar Base Self-Sufficiency
The D-He3 fueled nuclear fusion reaction has long been recognized as one of the most attractive for generating clean fusion energy. Although aware of its virtues, fusion researchers had...

Explosives Research for Lunar Applications: A Review
Experimental explosives research for lunar operations is reviewed. Each research project had a different objective and together their findings showed that using explosives on the moon...

Extraterrestrials Excavation and Mining with Explosives
Explosion excavation technology may become a valuable tool for economic and efficient base station construction on extraterrestrial bodies. Criteria for explosives which can safely be...

Lunar Agricultural Requirements Definition
Requirements are presented for an agricultural system that would supply a lunar base. This agricultural system consists of plant growth units established within pressurized modules. Each...

Structures for a Lunar Base
Constructed facilities will play the key role in the establishment of a lunar base. Such a base is essential in the development of the space frontier and the expansion of humans into space....

Structures for the Moon
Lunar structures present new challenges for structural engineers. By articulating lunar conditions in terms of various 'causes,' e.g. high transportation costs...

The Expandable Platform as a Structure on the Moon
This discussion will show how the expandable platform, initially designed for earth, is translated for use on the moon, and how it answers a multitude of problems while it is used for...

Design of a Second Generation Lunar Base
We discuss the design of a permanent lunar base of 100 person size which may be able to expand to a base of about 500 person size. We present a preliminary design for a base concept which...

Lunar Oxygen Production from Ilmenite
Carbotek has developed a process for oxygen production from ilmenite-rich lunar deposits to support lunar base operations and large-volume propulsion needs. The reduction of iron oxide...

Plasma Processing of Lunar Ilmenite to Produce Oxygen
In order to make a space industry economic, a reliable extraterrestrial source of oxygen must be identified for immediate use. Lunar ilmenite has recently been considered as a candidate...

Basing Options for Lunar Oxygen for Manned Mars Missions
The use of lunar oxygen to support lunar space transportation reduces Earth launch mass requirements by a factor of 2. In this paper, the authors show that lunar oxygen can also reduce...

A Space-Based Communications Concept to Support Mars Exploration Missions
Both the Soviet Union and the United States have expressed a desire to conduct further exploration of Mars and both sides have raised the possibility of joint Mars missions. In addition,...





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