Tidal Flooding Analysis, San Francisco Bay
Many leveed areas adjacent to San Francisco Bay are potentially subject to tidal flooding. In response to this concern, Congress authorized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to conduct...

Wind Generated Wave Resuspension of Sediment in Old Tampa Bay, Florida
Vertical profiles of velocity and suspended-solids concentration were measured at a scientific instrumentation platform in Old Tampa Bay during the passage of a cold front in March 1990....

New Lessons About the Hydraulic Performance of Highway Storm Sewer Inlets
Laboratory experiments were performed with highway storm water curb inlets to 1) reduce the oblique standing wave that extends into the highway from the downstream side of the inlet and...

Evaluation of Embankment Erosion at TVA's Chickamauga Project
Studies were made to evaluate the extent of erosion to be expected under probable maximum flood (PMF) conditions. The erosion studies were made using the EMBANK computer program. The results...

Stepped Spillway Design for Flow Over Embankments
Many embankment dams have been identified as unable to pass their design flows without failure due to overtopping. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) is currently at the forefront...

Overtopping Flow Spillway for Baldhill Dam, Sheyenne River, North Dakota
An existing gated spillway structure for Baldhill Dam and Reservoir (Lake Ashtabula, North Dakota) is not capable of passing floods up to the probable maximum flood (PMF) without overtopping...

Overtopping Protection for A. R. Bowman Dam
Arthur R. Bowman Dam is a 245-foot-high (74.7-m) central-core rockfill dam located on the Crooked River in central Oregon. The probable maximum flood (PMF) would overtop the dam by 20...

Fluidization Pipe Hole Spacing
Two-dimensional fluidization experiments are performed on fine (d50 = 0.15 mm) and medium coarse (d50 = 0.45...

Three-Dimensional Modeling of Transport of Fine Sediments and Contaminants in Lakes and Estuaries
The transport of fine sediments and contaminants due to currents and wind waves in estuaries and lakes have been studied by means of field experiment, laboratory experiment and a comprehensive...

Sediment Problems Associated with Dam Removal, Muskegon River, Michigan
This paper presents an analysis of sediment movement in Michigan's Muskegon River following the removal of Newaygo Dam. The analysis utilized a physical process simulation...

Calibration of Beni-Mazar Movable Bed Model
A sand-bed model representing a reach of the Nile River was constructed to study alternative solutions to maintaining the navigation channel. Flume tests were carried out first to determine...

Fluvial Recharge of Sand Mining Pit
Accuracy in modeling fluvial processes becomes increasingly important as development occurs along waterways. The FLUVIAL-12 (1, 2) model is used to simulate the recharge of sand mining...

Coastal Sediments
This proceedings, Coastal Sediments '91, contains more than 180 full papers delivered at a specialty technical conference of the...

Effect of Gas Flow on Physical Absorption
Air blowing over a liquid surface can greatly increase the rate of physical absorption of a gaseous component. This increase is associated with the initiation of waves and a change in...

Properties of Small-Scale Waves in Sheared Gas-Liquid Flows
Small wind-generated waves are examined theoretically and experimentally in a small laboratory flow system, at conditions close to neutral stability in an attempt to better characterize...

Measurement of Wave-Induced Turbulent Flow Structures Using Digital Image Sequence Analysis
The turbulent flow in water close to the wavy wind-stressed water surface has been examined quantitatively in a large circular wind-water tunnel with a flow visualization method using...

A Fluorescence Technique to Measure Concentration Gradients near an Interface
A new fluorescence technique which measures the concentration profile in a mass transfer boundary layer is described. It uses a tracer whose fluorescent intensity is inversely proportional...

Tracer Gas Transfer Technique for Shallow Bays
Developmental field tests using propane and Rhodamine WT tracers were conducted to adapt the tracer gas method for use in shallow bays. A special injection box was built to prevent mixing...

From Mean Fluxes to a Detailed Experimental Investigation of the Gas Transfer Process
Three new experimental techniques are discussed which allow a much more detailed investigation of the gas transfer process than any previous techniques. Using heat as a proxy tracer for...

Airborne Remote Sensing of Breaking Waves with Implications for Gas Exchange
It is shown that airborne remote sensing can potentially relate gas mixing effects within a temporally evolving breaking wave to relectivity changes, and can identify the intensity of...





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