Socio-Environmental Problems Associated with Informal Settlements in the Cape Coastal Zone
This poster paper reports on some of the socio-environmental problems associated with informal settlements in the Cape Coastal Zone in South Africa. Reasons for settling specifically in...

Public Access Evolution Long Beach, California, Coastline
Historic Long Beach was built around the beachfront. Public access to this popular coastal resort was provided in many ways. The downtown has undergone a renaissance of that former regional...

Numerical Simulation of Alabama's Weeks Bay Estuary
Weeks Bay system models describing water elevation, water circulation, salinity and BOD/DO concentrations are used to investigate two case study scenarios - a dredged ten foot deep boat...

Monitoring the Physical Evolution of Tidal Wetland Restoration Projects
Increased knowledge of the ecology, biology, and physical processes of wetland environments in the last several decades has improved the awareness of the critical role these environments...

Observation of Suspended Sediments in Mobile Bay, Alabama from Satellite
As part of a comprehensive geologic study of coastal Alabama and Mississippi, the U.S. Geological Survey is investigating coastal sediment transport in Mobile Bay and the adjacent shelf....

Sedimentation Processes in Morro Bay, California
A series of field investigations and historical data analyses were conducted to determine historical sedimentation processes in Morro Bay, California. Three sources of sediment were identified:...

Gravel Spit Stabilized by Unusual(?) High-Energy Wave Climate in Bay Side, Tierra Del Fuego
A 17 km-long sand and gravel spit grew from the Atlantic coast of Tierra del Fuego in the late Holocene, semi-enclosing a large and deep embayment. Strong westerly winds generate high-energy...

Cyclonic Events and Sedimentation in the Gulf of Mexico
An ample literature exists documenting the destructive effects hurricanes have upon offshore barrier islands and coastlines. The Gulf of Mexico region has been especially heavily impacted...

Response of Lagoons to Sea Level Change
Relative sea level change and sediment accumulation rates are compared for 21 lagoons on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts to determine their accretionary status. The lagoons reviewed...

Spit Formation in Lake and Bay
A technique of superimposing beach profiles, as a method for analyzing the characteristics and deformation process of a sand spit topography, is proposed, and the morphological changes...

Chesapeake Bay Field Modeling and Monitoring Projects
'Traditional' erosion control measures often do not meet the Corps of Engineers' requirement for economic justification. The costs of these measures...

Monitoring of a Nearshore Disposal Mound at Silver Strand State Park
The migration of an underwater disposal berm constructed in December 1988 approximately six miles south of the entrance to San Diego Bay is investigated. The berm was composed of medium...

Water Plan Deals Carson City a Good Hand?Carson City Revisited
The success of Carson City's new wastewater treatment plant is no surprise. It results from the City's Comprehensive Water Plan (CWP) for ultimate wastewater...

Evaluation of the City of Venice Urban Reuse Program
The City of Venice is located on the Gulf of Mexico in west central Florida. With a mild sub-tropical climate and coastal location, the small community is a prime target for rapid development....

Evaluation of Sludge Screening and Screenings Dewatering Technologies
The concept of digested sludge screening has been utilized at the City of Los Angeles' Hyperion Treatment Plant to remove extraneous objects, hair, and fibrous material in...

Hydroacoustic Evaluation of Deep and Shallow Spill as a Bypass Mechanism for Downstream Migrating Salmon at Rock Island Dam on the Columbia River
Hydroacoustic data were collected on downstream migrating juvenile salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) during the springs of 1983 and 1984, and summer 1990 at Rock Island Dam on the Columbia River...

The Effect of Channelization of R?o Puerto Nuevo on Ground-Water Levels in the San Juan Metropolitan Area, Puerto Rico
Channelization and concrete lining of the Rio Puerto Nuevo and its tributaries in the San Juan Metropolitan area has been proposed to control flooding in low lying areas adjacent to the...

Nutrient Loads to Delaware's Inland Bays Estuary
A management plan has been developed for the Inland Bays which is a major coastal estuary. Agriculture is the largest contributor of nitrogen and phosphorus to the Inland Bays. Best management...

Imperial Irrigation District Water Conservation
Imperial Irrigation District (IID) and Metropolitan Water District (MWD) have entered into a Water Conservation Agreement to conserve 106, 110 acre-feet (1.31 ? 108...

Agricultural Chemicals in Illinois' Rural Private Wells
A statewide sampling program was undertaken to define the extent of agricultural chemicals in rural, private drinking water wells in Illinois. A stratified random approach was taken for...





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