California Border Environment Activities Since Passage of NAFTA
This paper presents a summary of the activities undertaken by the State of California to improve the border environment since passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)...

The Management and Policies of the BECC
The purpose of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) is to help preserve, protect, and enhance the environment of the border region in order to advance the well-being of...

Border Environment Cooperation Commission: 1995 Year End Status Report
1995...What a year! The Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) opened its doors in February 1995, to lay the foundations of the organization whose purpose is to identify, develop,...

Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Water Resources Management
Two major topics related to water resources management in coastal areas due to the impact of sea level rise are drainage problems/flood control and change of estuarine processes. Issues...

Public Attitudes, Behavior, and the Willingness to Sacrifice to Mitigate Uncertain Adversity: Water Management Implications for Climate Change
Although several scholars have touted the emergence of a new environmentalism, many Americans seem to make decisions that do not reflect green thinking. Examples include driving more miles...

Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources
As part of the Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI) comprehensive evaluation of the economic effects of climate change in the United States, we have developed methods...

Climate Variability Impact on the Water Resources of Ancient Andean Civilizations
The great ancient empires of South America used corporate irrigated agriculture with centralized control to help hold far-flung domains together. The Inca empire, larger in area than that...

A Study into Effectiveness of Urban Best Management Practises
The author present an ongoing research project into the effectiveness of two wetland Best Management Practises. The research methodology and site setup are presented. The research objective...

Testing and Effectiveness of a New Urban BMP Stormceptor?*
Stormwater management for water quality control, pollution prevention and pretreatment can be a difficult problem for the development design professional, a costly and time consuming problem...

Characterization of Canal Operations under Ideal Anticipatory Control
A dimensionless formulation of a gate.stroking model is being used to study general characteristics of control measures that need to be applied upstream in single.pool canal systems to...

Modeling Unsteady Open-Channel Flows Having Longitudinally Varied Fluid Density
Unsteady flows in waterways with fluid density varying longitudinally can be described by various sets of partial differential equations, according to conditions of density variation....

Earth Spillway Design Using SITES Software
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service has, recently released new software for the design and analysis of water resource structure sites. This software, SITES, is based on the...

California's Visions of Groundwater: A Water Source and a Salt Sink
Public interest in groundwater resources can be expected to increase. There are few alternative, undeveloped, surface water resources to meet increasing water demand for municipalities....

Long-term Consequences of Recycling Drainage Water for Irrigation
Several long.term field studies (i.e. 6 yrs or more) conducted by the USDA/ARS and the University of California have demonstrated that saline drainage water (ECw...

Optimization and Simulation in Design and Operation of Reservoirs
Due to stochastic nature of rivers, their volumetric yields are random variables. Spatial and temporal redistribution of Water makes the reservoir construction a must. Therefore, water...

Optimum Storage Reallocation and Gate Operation in Multipurpose Reservoirs
This research is intended to integrate long term operation rules and real time operation policy for conservation and flood control in a reservoir, the familiar yield model has been modified...

Multiobjective Optimization of Multireservoir System
In the present study, a detailed multiobjective nonlinear programming model is formulated and applied to a multireservoir system at upper reaches of Krishna river basin in Karnataka State,...

Applicability of Scour Equations in Tidal Areas
Bridge scour and waterway instability in the coastal region where waterways are subjected to tidal flow can be subjected to mass density stratification, water salinity, sedimentation (littoral...

Alachlor Transport in Laboratory Soil Columns
Spraying of agricultural chemicals result in their travel downward through the unsaturated zone and adsorption to the surrounding soil. Infiltration from rainfall and irrigation solubilize...

Engineering Aspects of Wetland Mitigation
Wetland mitigation demands a multi-disciplinary engineering approach, and a systematic collection, evaluation and analysis of data. The design of a constructed wetland addresses these...





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