Simulating THM Precursors Transport with DWRDSM
A study was conducted by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to demonstrate the ability of its Delta Simulation Model (DWRDSM) to simulate fate and movement of inorganic...

Using a Numerical Model to Evaluate Striped Bass Management Scenarios in the Sacremento-San Joaquin Delta, California
Since the mid-1970's, the striped bass, Morone saxatilus, population in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California has been declining. The primary suspected cause of the decline is associated...

Development of Enhanced Tools for the Integrated Analysis of Reservoir and Power System Operations
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have initiated a collaborative project - the INTEGRAL Project - to develop improved tools for coordinating...

Modeling Critical Depth in Open Channels
This paper explores multiple critical depths. Reasons behind and characteristics of their occurrence are reviewed. A method to determine multiple critical depths is proposed for use in...

Confirmation of Seismic Safety at Stafford Dam
A critical aspect of the North Marin Water District's mission to maintain reliable water supply facilities and water service is periodic assessment and re-evaluation of the seismic safety...

Modeled Hydraulic and Salt Transport Patterns in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Modeled hydraulic and salt transport patterns in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta have been summarized as the basis for detailed environmental assessment of proposed water management projects...

Variability in Solutions of Constrained Optimization Problems: Ocean Outfall Design Case
Uncertainty in optimization model resulting from parameter uncertainty has not been well studied in the hydraulics and water resources areas. To make valid decisions, knowledge of the...

The Seattle Forecast Model: A Tool for Water Resources Management in the Seattle Area
The Seattle Forecast Model, SEAFM, developed by Hydrocomp Inc. for the Seattle Water Department, is an interactive, graphic system for streamflow forecasting and reservoir analysis of...

Wastewater Treatment for Better Environment
Wastewaters from households, industries, and combined sewers are collected and transport to the treatment plant with the effluent commonly disposed of by dilution in rivers, lakes or estuaries....

Canadian Pavement Management Systems
A large portion of the investment in Canada's road system is in pavement structures. In the 1960's a coordinated national effort toward protecting the investment, through good pavement...

Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems
Integrated Perspectives
This proceedings, Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems: Integrated Perspectives, consists of 156 papers presented at the 1993 ASCE...

The Financing Fray
Interview with two executives of the U.S. firm Morrison-Knudsen: Donn Smith, senior vice president of project finance at M-K's International Group, and Richard White, vice...

Dutch Globetrotting Pays Off
The Dutch have been doing business overseas for centuries, and Dutch consultants today continue the tradition. Several Dutch consulting firms are profiled. At Fugro-McClelland, N.V., Chief...

Runoff As A Resource
Recent studies have shown that storm-water flows from urban and industrial areas typically contain significant quantities of the same pollutants found in wastewater and industrial discharges....

Cost Effective Risk Allocation for Coastal Engineering Projects
Project participants will benefit significantly by routinely taking a more systematic, structured, and global view of risk than is sometimes done at present. Enhanced and broadened cognizance...

Geomechanics of Subsidence Due to Pumping of Groundwater
In this talk we describe a nonlinear theory for the classical problem of pumping of groundwater from a layered soil. The model soil system consists of three horizontal layers where a very...

Enhancing Decision Analysis Techniques for Lunar Base Construction Research
The usefulness of decision analysis concepts applied to lunar base construction research has been demonstrated [Boles 1990]. During the referenced work the authors realized that further...

Evaluation of Processing Options for Lunar Oxygen Production
Recent work on space resource utilization has lead to the identification of certain modifications of previously proposed processes which can be properly characterized as 'second generation'...

Materials and Structures Synergistic with In-Space Materials Utilization
The objective of this paper is to clearly demonstrate the significant advances made in recent months toward actual hardware realizations of various concepts for the utilization of in-space...

Mars Mission Designs: Comparing the Near Term Options
The benefits to be derived from manufacturing chemical rocket propellants from native resources on the Martlan surface are so great that it will almost certainly be a component of any...





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