Implementing Highway Safety Improvements
The goal of the ASCE Specialty Conference on Implementing Highway Safety Improvements was to enhance the safety of our nation's highways by identifying the best, most successful...

Surveying Takes Another Giant Step Forward
The introduction of short-range electronic distance measurement in 1971 revolutionized surveying. Thousands of surveying and engineering firms across the U.S. today routinely use EDM for...

The Personalized System of Instruction: Death Knell for the Lecture�
In most universities, teaching methods have not changed substantially since the invention of the printing press 500 years ago. Yet in recent years, some engineering schools have shown...

Testing Concrete in Place
Although modern concrete construction has developed during the past 60 years, one aspect has remained essentially unchanged�the use of molded cylinders tested in compression to estimate...

Behavioral Factors in Selection of Technologies
Where a well-known technology is provided to a population that has long been acquainted with its use, the problems of predicting patterns of social behavior are relatively simple. The...

Design of Excavation Blasts to Prevent Damage
Effects of ground vibrations on nearby structures and people resulting from blasting operations have become a major environmental problem and concern to the engineer and the contractor...

Civil Engineers are People
Historians have failed to recognize the giants among history's engineers as among our civilization's great men. Instead, great generals, politicians and artists...

State-of-the-Art Report Composite or Mixed Steel-Concrete Construction for Buildings
This report examines the interacting behavior of concrete with structural steel in building construction. Topics covered include composite columns, composite beams, trusses, and slabs,...

Practical Highway Esthetics
This guide helps engineers, highway designers, university students, and others design practical, yet tasteful highways by combining a broad range of information in one publication. Topics...

The engineer: what role in the development of civilization?
The engineering profession today is in a state of psychological depression, born out of lost pride in itself. Scoffing at the profession is a dangerous game. For soon, engineers will be...

The Human Potential Movement
The Human Potential Movement represents a new direction in psychology and psychiatry. Starting from the basis of mental health rather than of illness, the movement includes diverse points...

What To Do When the Suit is Served
The way in which principals of a design professional firm respond to a law suit alleging liability has great bearing on the way in which the suit progresses and on its effect on the firm....

Can We Engineer Vocational Assessment and Counseling for Everyone�
Because guidance is costly and time consuming and because testing provides incomplete coverage of potential, psychologists have been trying to engineer new procedures to help people more...

Back to the People: Dallas' Blueprint for the 21st Century
Back in the mid-1960s, residents of Dallas, Texas were trying to live down the shame felt by having had a U.S. President assassinated in their city. How to do it? Goals for Dallas was...

Corps Guidelines for Dam Safety Inspection Need Revamping
A protest (1) that Proposed Guidelines for Safety Inspection of Dams, Federal Register, August 1974, pp. 31334-31346, ignores well-publicized conclusions of a preexisting ASCE task committee...

Designing for the Disadvantaged: Optimum Design Considers All Users
Design practices in recent engineering projects show that consideration for the full human utility of building and transportation systems is receiving increasing attention. Previously,...

A Home-Study Program on Civil Engineering Management
Civil Engineering Management is both an art and a science. A knowledge of the technology of civil engineering management will help the young engineer up the management ladder. This article...

Environmentally Sensitive Construction Procedures
Construction procedures produce disruptive effects on human and natural environments. Adverse impacts can be minimized best by environmentally sensitive planning and responsive designs....

The Constructed Environment with Man as the Measure as Part of the Quality System in Construction
Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference held at Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California, November 3-8, 1974. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers....

Specialty Conference on Metal Bridges
The objective of the Specialty Conference on Metal Bridges was to present recent developments from research and practice to practicing structural engineers and to researchers. The sessions...





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