Creep and Shrinkage of Composite Columns in Tall Buildings
The simultaneous presence of steel and composite columns in tall buildings is a common occurrence. The axial shortening characteristics of composite columns are influenced by creep and...

Field Measurements of Wind-Induced Pressures on Roofs of Low Buildings
Full-scale measurements have been carried out on an experimental building, 3.3 m high, beside the football field at the Loyola campus of Concordia University. Wind-induced pressures have...

Site Load Testing of Full Scale Composite Concrete Floors
The paper presents the results of a load test carried out in 1982 on a continuous reinforced concrete slab with a permanent shuttering consisting of compressed straw (Stramit) or cement...

Vibration and Impact in Skewed Steel Bridges
The vibration and impact of skewed multigirder bridges due to vehicles moving across rough bridge deck are studied. The bridges are modeled as grillage beam systems. The vehicle is simulated...

Steel Bar Joist Performance: Design Deficiencies and Defects
Several failures of steel bar joist roofs have been investigated by the authors in the past decade. Many of these failures or performance problems have corresponded to bar joists manufactured...

Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Stressed Composite Bars
In this study, Acoustic Emission (AE) technique is used to monitor the behavior of composite bars subjected to direct tension. Aramid Fiber Reinforced Plastics (AFRP) bars were loaded...

Remote Monitoring of a Stressed Timber Bridge Deck
The long term behavior of a CCA treated stressed timber deck bridge is being monitored, at present, using a remote data acquisition system. The bridge which is located in Gray, Maine was...

How to Include Reliability Constraints in Structural Optimization
Structural optimization is a complex process made of design cycles aimed at finding the best possible solution. At each design cycle ultimate and/or serviceability limit states must be...

What Attributes Should the Structural Engineering Graduate Possess?
This paper will discuss the need for structural engineering students to be trained to think in terms of the performance of the structural system as a whole, rather than the individual...

Development in Criteria for Dam Corrective Actions
Reviewed is the recent history of the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) Safety of Dams (SOD) Program. Particularly, the development of decision philosophies and technical approaches...

Inspections, Evaluations and Modifications for Corps of Engineers Dams
The Corps of Engineers owns and operates 580 dams in the United States. As these dams become older (199 are over 50 years old), dam safety and modifications play an increasing role in...

Embankment Dam Safety
Procedures for identification and evaluation of conditions which can lead to catastrophic dam failure through either piping or deep seated instability of the downstream surface are presented....

Three-Dimensional Stability Analysis of Carpenter Dam
This paper describes the three-dimensional stability analysis of Carpenter Dam. The presence of keyed construction joints between dam monoliths at Carpenter Dam can significantly affect...

Risk Assessment: A Tool for Dam Rehabilitation Decisions
A phased approach to the dam rehabilitation decision problem is presented. The approach is based on viewing the newer dam safety evaluation approaches of incremental damage assessment...

Prediction of Embankment Dam Breaching for Hazard Assessment
Downstream hazard assessments for dams require prediction of 1) whether a breach could form, and 2) the hydraulic characteristics of the breach for use in calculations of discharge and...

Risk-Based Methodology for Seismic Rehabilitation of Earth Dams
A methodology for seismic risk analysis of earth dams is described. The procedure utilizes seismological and geotechnical inputs together with the associated uncertainties and provides...

Saylorville Spillway: Emergency to Service Spillway
The spillway for Saylorville Lake located on the Des Moines River, 12 miles north of the city of Des Moines, Iowa, a large metropolitan, was designed as an emergency spillway. Due to subsequent...

Bond Stress Test on Rock Anchor in Clayey Siltstone
Seventy five rock anchors with design loads of 556 to 2040 kips were required for the 1000-foot long, 125-foot high, concrete gravity, Lake Lynn Dam to comply with current FERC engineering...

Seismic Stabilization of St. Joe State Park Tailings Dams
Tailings dams constructed by the `upstream' method are known to be seismically vulnerable, but field experience indicates that their seismic stability usually improves following termination...

Testing and Evaluation of High Capacity, Multi-Strand Rock Anchors for Lake Lynn Dam
Seventy five rock anchors with design loads of 556 to 2040 kips were required for the 1000-foot long, 125-foot high, concrete gravity, Lake Lynn Dam to comply with current FERC engineering...





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