Rehabilitation of Gravity Wharf by Underpinning
The Municipal Wharf at the Port of Providence, Rhode Island, is currently under rehabilitation to accommodate modern trends in marine cargo handling and shipping. The three-phased project...

Port of Kismayo (Somalia) Rehabilitation
Extensive deterioration of the 2070 ft long four-berth, marginal wharf at the Port of Kismayo necessitated a major rehabilitation to maintain operations. The selected scheme was a steel...

Tiebacks for Bulkheads
Tiebacks were once used primarily to support temporary structures such as supported excavations. However, the use of tiebacks has been gradually expanded to include the support of permanent...

Combustion Sources of Residential Air Pollution: An Overview
Combustion by-products are a major source of indoor air pollution and have been measured in homes at levels above typical outdoor concentrations, and at levels which approach or exceed...

Development of Data Quality Indicators for Indoor Air Pollution Measurements
Indoor air quality measurements pose a unique problem for the application of traditional Quality Assurance/Quality Control approaches. The lack of reference methods and materials in some...

Environmental Auditing: Planning and Implementation
This paper presents a variety of practical concepts which firms may wish to consider during the process of designing an environmental auditing program, or while reviewing the adequacy...

Audits & Analyses?New Jersey's Approach
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for implementing environmental policy and administering a regulatory structure based on reliable research and monitoring....

National Perspectives and Policy on Nonpoint Sources of Water Pollution
The paper presents the perspective of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the title subject. It makes the point that while EPA continues to implement the major point source efforts...

Coastal Protection Guidelines, Orange County, GA
As a result of coastal storms in the past several years the County of Orange (California) incurred large and unanticipated costs in providing emergency protection for private shorefront...

Wave Height Distribution in the Coupled Harbor
Wave height in a harbor sheltered by a breakwater is studied by numerical simulation and experiment. The coupled harbor, attained by setting up double arm breakwaters, was adopted as the...

Seattle's Central Waterfront
The character and identity of Seattle are based largely on its extensive waterfront areas. The city has approximately 90 miles of shoreline, one of the benefits of possessing a varied...

Reflections on Racine's Rebound
The existing harbor in Racine has approximately 110 acres of water surface bounded on the north and south side by one-half -mile long concrete breakwaters and on the west by the city....

NPDES Permits for Accelerated Oil & Gas Development
Section 402 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for waste discharges...

The Impact of Selected Sea Level Rise Scenarios on the Beach and Coastal Structures at Sea Bright, N.J.
The physical impacts of selected sea level rise scenarios on the shoreline of Sea Bright, New Jersey, are investigated. The sea level rise scenarios chosen for investigation were developed...

A Look to the Future in Watershed Management
The discipline of watershed management will continue as a viable specialized field as the scarcity, demand, and price of water increase in the future. Training of watershed managers should...

Hammering Out a New RCRA
Recent amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) add thousands of new waste generators and many new wastes to the list of those to be regulated. Some say RCRA is...

Quantifying Social and Environmental Objectives
Over the past decade, there have been great improvements in economic and multiobjective techniques for quantifying social and environmental objectives in water resources planning. Nevertheless,...

Characterization of Indoor Carbon Monoxide Levels Produced by the Automobile
Integrated air samples were obtained at seven small and six large service stations and two dealerships. These establishments were sampled during cold and warm weather operations for eight...

Building Assessment Techniques for Indoor Air Quality Evaluations
Techniques for indoor air quality evaluations are presented and discussed. The techniques presented first focus on procedures to determine effective ventilation rates and pathways of air...

Indoor Air Quality Simulations with the Mass Balance Model
Recent studies relate energy conservation measures, specifically to reduction of the air exchange rate of residences, with potential adverse health effects due to human exposure to increased...





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