Mechanics of Mudflows
A Bingham model is adopted to study the fluid mechanics of mudflows. Equations for predicting the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in an open channel are formulated and verified...

Hydrogen Cycle Peak Power at Low-Head Sites
A major draw back to further development of low-head hydro power is that it usually uses run-of-the-river operations. The storage potential for peaking power production that large reservoirs...

Planning a Resource-Compatible Low Head Waterpower Development
Responsible development of waterpower potential is a significant aspect of comprehensive water resource planning. Recent interest in small scale hydro projects has generated concern among...

Computer-Aided Preliminary Optimization Model for Low-Head Micro-Hydro Installations
It is demonstrated with applications, that the use of a computer-aided preliminary optimization model can help evaluate the overall technical and economic characteristics of low-head hydro...

Current Hydraulics Research at the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research
The Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research is engaged in fundamental and applied research on a broad range of fluid mechanics and hydraulics problems. The history and organization of the...

Temperature Effects on Lasers
While lasers have markedly improved the accuracy of engineering, air temperature gradients can reduce that drastically. Based on a sewer project that used lasers to align all the pipe,...

Recent Advances in Engineering Mechanics and Their Impact on Civil Engineering Practice
The emphasis of these proceedings is on contributions and advances in the areas of solid and fluid mechanics that advance civil engineering practice. The main topic considered are, computers...

Journal of Engineering Mechanics
The Journal of Engineering Mechanics covers activity and development in the field of applied mechanics as it relates to civil engineering. Research on bioengineering, computational mechanics, computer-aided...

Addressing Societal Needs of the 1980's Through Civil Engineering Research
Critical issues facing society in ten subdisciplines of civil engineering are defined and the research required to provide solutions to these issues in each area is identified. The ten...

Tall Building Systems and Concepts
The structural, mechanical and electrical systems of tall buildings are explored. The eight areas of focus are, structural systems, mechanical and service systems, electrical systems,...

Synthetic Fabrics for Reinforced Embankments
Non-woven permeable synthetic fabrics have been used in engineering applications for the last ten years. Considerable research has been conducted throughout the world since the first geotechnical...

Top Foreign-Born Civil Engineers Speak Their Minds
Six distinguished civil engineers born and educated abroad discuss their careers and explore: the differences in the civil engineering marketplace and in the public image of the CE here...

Engineering Mechanics
The Third ASCE/EMD Specialty Conference is sponsored by ASCE with the Departments of Civil Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. The theme of the conference is...

Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability
The purpose of the conference is to present and review the current state of the art of Probabilistic methods and their applications in civil engineering, with emphasis on structural and...

Analytical Methods in Transportation: Planning a Grading Operation for Least Total Cost
Originally published in Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, Vol. 89, No. 6, November/December 1963, pp. 47-66...

Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
The Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics is the tenth in a series of Specialty Conferences sponsored by the ASCE Geotechnical Division (formerly the Soil Mechanics and...

Rock Engineering for Foundations & Slopes
Proceedings of a specialty conference on Rock Engineering for Foundations and Slopes, held in University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, August 15-18, 1976. Sponsored by the Geotechnical...

Advances in Civil Engineering Through Engineering Mechanics
Proceedings of the Second Annual Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, held in North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, May 23-25, 1977. Sponsored by the...

New Method Dewaters Dredged Material, Cuts Lagooning Space
Disposal of the millions of cubic yards of dredged material produced each year in the maintenance of the nation's waterways is becoming a serious problem. Traditional methods...

Applications of Rock Mechanics
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Symposium on Rock Mechanics held at the State Game Lodge, Custer State Park, South Dakota, September 17-19, 1973. Sponsored by the U.S. National Committee...





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