Application of Monte Carlo Neutron Photon to Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant Design Analysis
The Monte Carlo Neutron Photon (MCNP) computer program ('MNCP - A General Monte Carlo Code for Neutron and Photon Transport, Version 3A') (in PC and mainframe versions) has been used for...

Heat and Vapor Transport Beneath an Impermeable Cap
Vadose-zone moisture transport near an impermeable barrier has been under study at a field site near Albuquerque, NM since 1990. Moisture content and temperature have been monitored in...

Discrete Feature Modelling at the Stripa Mine in Sweden: Significance for Hydrologic Modelling of Fractured Rock Masses
The third and final phase of the Stripa Project included a series of characterization efforts, predictions, and validations to determine the viability of discrete-fracture groundwater...

AREST: The Next Generation
Simple mass transport models using constant boundary conditions at the waste form surface and at the host rock boundary do not always results in realistic predictions of the performance...

WAPPA Modeling of Post-Emplacement Performance of the AECL HLNW Package
Environment Canada (EC) is anticipating, in the near future, a review of the EIS document released by AECL which addresses the performance of their HLNW disposal concept. This paper presents...

Maximum Individual Risks from Transported Spent Nuclear Fuel
The computer code TICLD (Transportation Individual Center Line Dose) is used with the computer code RADTRAN 4 to calculate maximum individual dose and risk from transportation accidents...

Drift Emplaced Waste Package Thermal Response
Thermal calculations of the effects of radioactive waste decay heat on the potential repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, have been conducted by the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization...

Waste Packager and Areal Power Density Approximator (WPA3) Computer Code
A microcomputer-based computer code called Waste Packager and Areal Power Density (APD) Approximator (WPA3) has been developed to compute waste package inventories and track individual...

Studies of the Role of Fault Zones on Fluid Flow Using the Site-Scale Numerical Model of Yucca Mountain
The three-dimensional grid of the site-scale model developed for the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain was used to perform two-dimensional simulations with the TOUGH2 computer program....

Review and Selection of Unsaturated Flow Models
The Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System Management and Operating Contractor (CRWMS M&O) is conducting a thorough review and evaluation of existing flow and transport models....

Comparison of Predicted Far-Field Temperatures for Discrete and Smeared Heat Sources
A fundamental concern in the design of the potential repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada is the response of the host rock to the emplacement of heat-generating waste. The thermal perturbation...

Critical Stresses in Nuclear Waste Container Under Normal Handling Conditions
Critical stresses in the pintle, flat tophead, canister shell, the bottom plate and in the weldment of a high level nuclear waste canister are evaluated under a variety of static and dynamic...

Evaluating Soil Moisture and Hydraulic Conductivity in Semi-Arid Rangeland Soils
The United States Department of Energy's Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (DOE-OCRWM) Fellowship Program supports various disciplines of academic research related to the...

Development of 3-D Lithostratigraphic and Confidence Models at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Computerized three-dimensional geologic models of potential high-level nuclear waste repositories such as Yucca Moutain, Nevada, are important for visualizing the complex interplay of...

Connectivity and the Continuum Approximation in Fracture Flow Modeling
The continuum assumption is frequently made when modeling flow in fractured media. The approach presented in this paper helps evaluating the validity of such an assumption. Two indices...

Characterizing the Hydrogeologic Framework of the Death Valley Region, Southern Nevada and California
Three-dimensional (3-D) hydrogeologic modeling of the complex geology of the Death Valley region requires the application of a number of Geoscientific Information System (GSIS) techniques....

The Effect of Certain Assumptions on the Number and Type of Spent Fuel Casks Required 1998-2000
The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management M&O contractor is determining the number of spent fuel transportation cask systems required to transport fuel from reactors...

Application of Discrete Event Simulation to MRS Design
The application of discrete event simulation to the Monitored, Retrievable Storage (MRS) material handling operations supported the MRS conceptual design effort and established a set of...

Optimizing Human Reliability: Mock-Up and Simulation Techniques in Waste Management
This presentation describes an ongoing effort to incorporate human factors principles into the design and process development for waste management programs at a nuclear weapons plant....

Subsurface Transport of Radioactive Material Using Adaptive Finite Elements
A finite element method which utilizes mesh adaptation is used to calculate transient groundwater flow and pollutant transport. Mass lumping and reduced integration are employed to enhance...





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