Water Supply Forecasting and Irrigation Demand
The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Snow Survey Program makes periodic seasonal streamflow forecasts at over 500 major points in the western states. These forecasts are the basis for making...

An Integrated Rehabilitation Procedure for Gravity Systems
Demands for an improved system combined with a more adjusted management mode are common in many projects where limited or strained budgets do not allow for a regular and secure water supply....

Managing Water Resources Using Geographic Information Systems as a Tool
The Oregon Water Resources Department is designing and using a geographic information system (GIS) to manage water rights. The system allows automation of many tasks including: production...

Crop Yield Models Adapted to Irrigation Scheduling Programs
A crop yield model (CRPSM) was adapted to match the data obtained with typical irrigation scheduling programs. Daily soil water content was calculated from weather data, crop growth stage...

Water Resources Planning Information Available from CFS
Public officials, natural resource management agencies, research scientists, reservoir operators, and agricultural interests in the western U. S. now have access to several major automated...

Water Table and Salinity Movement in a Silty Clay Soil
The movement of the water table and profile salinity in a shallow drained soil in permanent pasture overlying an artesian aquifer was observed. Soil samples were taken before and after...

California's Dam Safety Program?The Development of Hydrology for Dams (abstract)
California's water code provides for supervision of dams and reservoirs with regard to protection of life and property. This code is administered by the Department of Water...

Irrigation with Reclaimed Wastewater?Recent Trends
Land application of municipal wastewater is a well established practice in California. Much of the reclaimed municipal wastewater (57%) in California is used for irrigation of fodder,...

Theoretical Flow Model for Drop Structures
A theoretical model based on the momentum equation is reviewed for a trapezoidal weir drop structure operating in a trapezoidal channel. Preliminary qualitative results indicate agreement...

Report of Task Committee on the Collection and Publication of Basic Water Resources Data
In 1983 members of the Irrigation and Drainage Division's Committee on Surface Water expressed concern over reductions in funding for data collection and publication programs in the United...

Lights Out at Caribou
The Caribou powerplant restoration is one of the projects to receive an Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award of Merit. On February 24, 1984 a rock slide on the ridge above the...

The Briny Deep Comes Ashore
Amusement park attractions are not all fun and games. More than 10 years of planning by dozens of firms went into the Living Seas Pavilion at Walt Disney's Epcot Center. The...

Furrow Modeling with Variable Hydraulic Characteristics
A zero inertia furrow irrigation model was developed to run on an IBM-compatible micro-computer. The depth gradient term of the momentum equation is approximated by averaging over the...

General Considerations for Managing Floods and Droughts
Work described at this conference and future developmental work of water resource engineers will best contribute to professional improvement if such work is guided by appropriate objectives....

Are Soil Moisture Accounting Models Needed for the Real Time Forecasting of River Flows?
The difficulties inherent in using conceptual rainfall-runoff models in conjunction with filtering techniques, for the real time forecasting of river flows, are reviewed. The issue of...

The Great Lakes Large Basin Runoff Model
The Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) developed its Large Basin Runoff Model (LBRM) specifically for modeling runoff and moisture storages in the large river basins...

Probabilistic Forecasts of Continued High Great Lakes Water Levels
Existing projections of Great Lakes water levels over the next several years do not consider how meteorologic variability affects the hydrologic processes (basin runoff, overlake precipitation,...

Water Supply Analysis for the Milk River Basin, Montana
The U. S. Bureau of Reclamation's Milk River Irrigation Project provides water for 55,000 ha of irrigation in the Milk River basin of Montana. The project includes an interbasin...

Missouri River Basin Water Accounting System
A water accounting system was developed for the Missouri River Basin to establish an accurate and acceptable base of information describing water availability and uses, and to provide...

Optimizing a Minimum Instream Flowby
The Commonwealth of Virginia is currently investigating methods to establish minimum instream flow requirements which may be applied to flow allocations statewide. The Crump Creek Reservoir...





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