Water Rights Considerations Associated With Channel Conveyance Losses
During 1986, the Wyoming Water Research Center and the State Engineer's Office cooperatively did a study on the conveyance losses associated with a section of stream channel...

Satellite Data for Adjudications in Idaho
A succession of events following a lawsuit by a power company against the state of Idaho has led to a general adjudication for a majority of the Snake River basin in Idaho. Past adjudication...

Distributed Ground-Water Data Base of the U.S.G.S.
During the past 20 years, the ground-water data base of the U. S. Geological Survey has evolved from paper files in local offices, to a national data base on a central mainframe computer,...

Crop-Water Production Functions and System Design
A Task Committee to evaluate application of crop-water production functions to irrigation system design and management was established by the ASCE Irrigation Water Requirements Committee...

Meixner Functions Model Crop Yield vs. Applied Water
Most crop production functions are reported as linear functions even though everyone knows they are not. The few examples of non linear crop production functions that exist in the literature...

Accuracy and Geographic Transferability of Crop Water Production Functions
This paper presents the results of that recent study, which investigated over 300 crop water production functions (CWPFs) and 370 publications on production functions. The accuracy and...

Automation of Border and Basin Irrigation
Various methods and types of control equipment for automating border and basin irrigation are described. Mechanical gates include dual function turnout gates that both open and close and...

Adding a Climatic Interface to Electronic Irrigation Controllers
Automated irrigation systems have traditionally relied on a time based controller set to operate the irrigation system for a specific duration and frequency. To determine the duration...

Farmer Adoption of Irrigation Automation
Farmer acceptance of irrigation automation for water conservation in the eleven Western states is limited. About 29,000 acres, or 0. 1 percent, of the 25 million acres irrigated in these...

Field Evaluation of an Advance Rate Feedback Irrigation System
An experimental advance rate feedback system is described for furrow irrigation based upon a simple volume balance model in which surface storage during the irrigation event is neglected....

Reservoirs Help On-Farm Operation and Automation
Reservoirs can be used to convert a less desirable set of flow rates and durations into a more desirable and flexible set of rates and durations. This will permit irrigation management...

Reclaiming Wastewater in Phoenix, Arizona
This paper examines the role of wastewater effluent reuse in the future water resource management of the City of Phoenix. The paper seeks to explain why a proposal to renovate effluent...

The Reclaimed Water Delivery System and Reuse Program for Tucson, Arizona
The City of Tucson has implemented a reclaimed water reuse program in a community-wide effort to preserve high quality groundwater for potable and other priority uses. Presently, the system...

The Lubbock, Texas, Land Treatment System
The land treatment system at Lubbock, Texas provides an excellent model for studying the response of a system to growth. It also provides insights and justification for current criteria...

Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination: A Literature Review
Methods are needed to allow regulatory agencies and resource managers to predict, from readily available data, the potential for groundwater contamination problems. Regional maps developed...

Utilization of Geographic Information Systems Technology in the Assessment of Regional Ground-Water Quality
The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pesticide Programs and several State agencies in Oregon has prepared a digital...

High Plains States Groundwater Recharge Program
The Bureau of Reclamation is conducting a 2-phase program to demonstrate the feasibility of recharging declining aquifers in the 17 Western States. The U. S. Geological Survey, Environmental...

Comparison of Surge and Continuous Flow Irrigation in California
With the closure of the Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge to drainwater disposal and the pending limits on tailwater flows to the San Joaquin River, decreasing deep percolation is of...

Tailwater Management with Surge Irrigation
Field data of surge irrigation has shown that, in the post-advance stage, there exists an optimum post-advance cycle time. Cycle time greater than or less than the optimum post-advance...

Infiltration as a Dependent Variable in Modeling Furrow Irrigation
Most surface irrigation models assume that infiltration is independent of surface flow hydraulics. However, wetted perimeter has been shown to significantly affect infiltration in furrows....





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