Wastewater Technology Innovation for the Year 2000
The present state of wastewater technology research is on a decline because of shrinking funds. A national effort by professionals in all sectors of the wastewater establishment is encouraged...

Electronic Gymnastics
Efforts are being made to have all the parties to a project share the same, current information. In order to do so, civil engineering firms are jumping through electronic hoops to get...

Computer Scheduling: On-Line and On-Time
The Intermountain Power Plant, a coal fired, 761 MW coal fired electrica generating facility, has been completed months ahead of schedule and substantially under budget. Project managers...

Computers: What Do Students Need to Know?
This article is based on interviews with three professors at three universities, a recent graduate from each school, and the graduate's employer. The interviews show that...

Expert Systems for Risk Analysis
An explanation is presented on why construction risk analysis can be handled by an expert system computer program. The author offers a prototype construction risk management expert system...

Irrigation Water Management with Rotation Scheduling Policies
Rotation schedules are delivery-system oriented and represent relatively low capitol investment in system components and system management, but are not usually responsive enough to crop...

System Scheduling for Large Farming Operations
Irrigation scheduling uses evapotranspiration data to recommend the time and amount of the next irrigation on a field by field basis. System scheduling minimizes the cost of water deliveries...

Demand Irrigation Schedules
This class of schedules consists of Demand and Limited Rate Demand. They need no communication system and can satisfy the on-farm needs with negligible constraint. The Demand schedule...

Structuring Distribution Agencies for Irrigation Water Delivery
The performance of an irrigation project is significantly influenced by the organization which distributes water to users. It is demonstrated that a intermediate level authority, typically...

Long Crested Weirs
A method has been developed to integrate and evaluate the head relationship between canal weirs and turnouts. The objective is to minimize flow variations through the turnout and at the...

Selection of Appropriate Technology in Irrigation Canal Systems
A variety of approaches to irrigation management and system operation exist and great care should be taken in selecting the one to be used in new or rehabilitation/modernization projects....

Case Studies?Semi-Closed Pipeline Systems
The paper discusses the title subject in terms of automated systems, flexible scheduling, and system components. Project locations include the Mahaweli Development Project, Sri Lanka;...

Data and Control Communication Methods for Delivery System Operations
The selection of a communication system for the automation of a canal system requires careful consideration of the type of canal system operation desired, the location of the facilities...

Overview of Financial and Economic Considerations
The financial and economic analyses of plans to rehabilitate and automate irrigation water delivery systems are complex technical exercises that require the expertise of professional economists...

Economic Analysis of Irrigation Rehabilitation Projects
This paper discusses the assessment of the costs and benefits of irrigation rehabilitation and modernization projects. It summarizes the methodology used at the World Bank to assess the...

The Urbanization of the Salt River Project
The Salt River Project (SRP) is one of the nation's oldest and most successful agricultural reclamation projects. Formed in 1902, its initial function was to manage the surface...

Aids for the Hazard Classification of Small Dams
The last few years have seen a large growth in the tools available to the engineer to better determine the risk of failure in earth dams. One of the models developed is the National Weather...

Parking Lot Drainage Design: Gainesville, Florida
The construction of a 10-acre (4. 05 ha) parking facility (1,000-car capacity) at the University of Florida during 1984 presented the potential for increasing downstream flooding and for...

Imbrication of Tabular Boulders
Analysis of moments on tabular boulders projecting into a uniform stream indicates that a tabular boulder dipping downstream is unstable and can be overturned by velocities expected during...

Preliminary Engineering Design of an Artificial Tidal Lagoon System in Kuwait
A coastal resort project was planned for a 30 hectare site along the Arabian Gulf approximately 69 km south of Kuwait City at Dubaiyeh. The master plan, originally developed by Kuwait...





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