Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Systems
Although technical literature concerning the planning, design and construction of irrigation and drainage projects is extensive, this manual aims to fill the gap concerning the operation...

Annotated Bibliography on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
Articles, reports, books, data and other information relative to lifeline earthquake engineering are listed as a guide to researchers and practicing engineers. Each citation in the bibliography...

Case Studies of Applied Advanced Data Collection and Management
Sponsored by the Committee on Advanced Data Collection and Management Systems of ASCE. This casebook offers examples of civil engineering practices...

The Planning and Engineering Interface with a Modernized Land Data System
Concern for the modernization of our land records and land resources information systems has been evolving since the early 1960's. Geographic location is the common denominator linking...

Computer-Aided Design and Drafting for Small Engineering Firms
As the cost of computer hardware decreases, use of the computer-aided design and drafting is becoming a cost-efficient investment for smaller engineering firms. The article includes four...

Entrenchment of Sewage Sludge�a Disposal-Use Alternative
Entrenchment of sewage sludge is an alternative for the disposal and use of sewage sludge. Its advantages include high disposal rate, little odor problem, and no surface runoff. Two methods...

Research Needs in Hydraulics, Coastal Engineering and Irrigation
Last June an ASCE/NSF team gathered at Warrenton, Va., to prioritize research needs in civil engineering. They split the field into 10 subcategories, one of which is Hydraulics, Coastal...

Vail Pass Highway�Respecter of Mountain Ecology
Environmental constraints to a large degree controlled both the design and construction of a 14-mi segment of Interstate Highway 70 through Vail Pass in Colorado and necessitated adoption...

Parrotts Ferry Bridge: Pioneer in Lightweight, Pumped Concrete
Spanning the Stanislaus River in Northern California, this bridge includes a 640-ft center span that is the world's longest span in lightweight concrete and the longest bridge...

Don't Always Put Dam in Narrowest Part of Valley
Hydraulic factors must be taken into account in dam planning and design, because the best structural design is not always the most economical. When the potential for downstream flood damage...

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Pioneers in Conservation Approach
One way to save fuel costs in sewage treatment plants is to use methane gas produced during sludge digestion as fuel. Cleveland's Southerly Wastewater Treatment Plant, however,...

Five-Story Timber Framed Building
Multi-story glu-lam frames used as a structural system in the Terman Engineering Center, Stanford University. Covers the problem and solution of combining timber framing with reinforced...

Value Engineering and Cement-Bentonite Cutoff Wall Save Dam Project for Arizona Indian Tribe
Value engineering showed how it was possible to save $1 million in construction costs for the San Carlos River Dam, east of Phoenix, Ariz. The proposed dam site was moved to take advantage...

Mount St. Helens Eruption�Impact and Civil Engineering Response
The May 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington state, estimated to have the energy equivalent of a 20 to 50 megaton atom bomb, did tremendous damage. It destroyed an estimated 160...

Tangshan Rebuilds after Mammoth Earthquake
The City of Tangshan, China was totally devastated in 1976 by a major earthquake. Over 240,000 people were killed in one of history's greatest disasters. The quake had a Richter...

USGS Sharpening Water-Quality Management Tools
By 1983, the U.S. will have spent over $83 billion to upgrade treatment facilities to advanced waste treatment. Much of this furious effort will be in vain, won't produce...

Ontario Writes New Bridge Code
In 1976, Ontario's Ministry of Transportation and Communications decided to write its own bridge design code, breaking away from the AASHTO code, because: (1)It wanted a metric...

U.S.-China Relations: Friends Now, Partners Tomorrow
Now that diplomatic relations are resumed, U.S. firms are vying for a share of the big development contracts China has to offer: ports and waterways development, earthquake engineering,...

Thames River Flood Barrier
For 200 years, flood tides have surged into the Thames flooding London and its vicinity. Ground subsidence in the area and the melting of the polar ice cap is combining to worsen the problem....

Corps Takes New Approach to Flood Control
As urban development increased storm runoff into the Charles River, a dam built in 1910 became inadequate to protect the Boston area from flooding. Boston suffered $5,000,000 in flood...





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