Beach Restoration Criteria Based on Algae Hydrodynamics
The presence of algae might aggravate the already existing difficulties in beach restoration. The aim of this paper is to present additional beach restoration criteria based on algae hydrodynamics...

Beach Restoration at Malaga Urban Area: Pedregalejo Case Study
The existence of a beach is a primary factor for the development of the adjacent urban areas. The present paper deals with the restoration project of Pedregalejo Beach (Malaga-Spain) and...

Massachusetts Marine Lakes Restoration Program (abstract)
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, Division of Water Pollution Control, administers the state's Clean Lakes and Great Ponds Program. The program,...

Athens Siphon and Outfall
More than 130 million gallons of untreated domestic and industrial wastewater are discharged each day into the sea near Athens. To mitigate this situation, the government of Greece is...

Judicial Review of Coastal Regulation
The paper discusses the impact of recent public access cases on the regulatory taking issue and on the long-term prognosis for public access and private rights along the California coast....

Monitoring of Coastal Environment for its Management
The paper briefly explains the features of four coastal laboratories established along the southwest coast of India in 1980 and the data gathered by them during 1980-84. Four coastal piers...

Coastal Dune Status and Management Conflicts, New South Wales, Australia
The University of Sydney/Soil Conservation Service dune management research project was initiated with the ultimate goal of developing a multiple-objective planning model to define the...

Living with the Shore: Hazard Mitigation through Education
In 1977, the authors began the task of producing summary texts for all mainland open-ocean coastal states as well as Chesapeake Bay, Puget Sound, and Lakes Erie and Michigan. On completion,...

Earthen Liners for Land Disposal Facilities
Proper construction of compacted earthen liners requires special attention to construction details and quality assurance. Moisture content and weight of roller are probably the two most...

Site Characterization for Waste Disposal
Site selection is one of the key decisions in waste management. Site selection involves a conflict analysis which considers various engineering factors including geotechnical, as well...

Impact of Current Regulations on Geotechnical Practice
Enactment of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), which was intended to provide 'cradle to grave' management of hazardous waste, has caused a greater...

Hydrocarbon Refining Waste Stabilization for Landfills
Mobile pollutants are generated in a landfill as a function of the waste properties and the response of the deposit to the in-situ stress, climate and biochemical conditions. Release of...

Stabilization of FGC Wastes
Presently, flue gas cleaning (FGC) wastes (scrubber sludges and flyash) are produced in large quantities, with future production likely to increase as utilities install additional stack...

Temporary Structures in Construction Operations
Temporary works have a primary influence on the quality, safety, speed and profitability of all construction projects. They provide access, support and protection of a facility under construction....

Energy Solutions Today for the Nineties
Optimal use of energy resources requires intelligent planning by all segments of society, especially the technical disciplines. Civil engineers play a key role in developing energy resources...

Repairs and Inspection
Rehabilitation of a structure in general requires considerations of unique methods of inspection and repair. Since the structures have to remain in service while the repairs are done,...

Making Embassies Safe for Democracy
American interests overseas have become among the most popular targets for terrorist attacks. Once, not long ago, security was only an afterthought for such facilities. Today, $4.4 billion...

Quake Resistant Transport
An approach which begins by assessing the vulnerability of a transportation system's key components can help transportation engineers plan for and limit earthquake damage....

Historic Bridges: Conflict Ahead
The engineer who deals with historic bridges becomes the focus of controversy in the course of determining the existing condition, predicting remaining useful life, and designing the repair...

Risk Assessment and Public Policy
A governmental official charged with making solid waste policy should be careful not to allow the public policy issue to be defined as the determination of the acceptable level of risk...





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