Microcomputer Software Support at the State Level
This paper describes a case where the organizational approach to microcomputer control was taken and contrasts the results with optimal individual systems within the group. In this context,...

The Group Approach to Implementing Micro Systems
This paper highlights a nearly three year effort to implement microcomputer information systems on 16 small and medium sized transit properties in Wisconsin using a 'group...

Management of Microcomputers in PennDOT A Perspective on Managing Training
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is in the midst of a 63 million dollar 'Plan to Achieve Leading Edge Status in Electronic Data Processing. ' This...

Seattle Metro?A Transit Property's Experience with Microcomputers
The Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle's (Metro) first involvement with microcomputers started during the third quarter of 1981 when IBM announced their personal computer...

Transportation Systems Forecasting Using Microcomputer Models
This paper describes the evaluation of six transportation forecasting programs which operate on microcomputers. The evaluation is undertaken from the perspective of a metropolitan planning...

Managing Federal Aid Using Microcomputers
Wisconsin's federal aid for highway improvement is about 225,000,000 annually. The obligation authority (the ability to spend the federal aid) is limited to an estimated 162,000,000...

Reporting Systems for Rural Transportation Operators
This paper describes the development, testing and implementation of a microcomputer rural transportation reporting system. The project was initiated by the Tennessee Department of Transportation...

Better Management Information
Microcomputers can improve managerial productivity by tailoring data more specifically to management's needs and providing information for decision-making more quickly. The...

The Economic Analysis of Highway Improvements
The design and operation of a microcomputer program to perform an economic analysis on highway improvements is described. The economic analysis methodology used in developing the program...

Transit Personnel Management Using a Microcomputer Issues and Lessons
This paper discusses the design and implementation issues facing developers of microcomputer-based personnel management systems (PMS) at small and medium-sized transit agencies. A case...

A Microcomputer Based Street Inventory System
Maintaining a Roadway Inventory Management System, or any inventory system, is an ongoing problem for many agencies. The filing cabinet system is clumsy and time consuming. Mainframe computer...

Low-Cost Accident Data Bases for Small Urban Areas
This paper describes the application of a microcomputer traffic accident data base system developed for Terre Haute, Indiana, a small (pop. 70,000) urbanized area in west central Indiana....

A Microcomputer-Based Safety Management System
An agency's effectiveness in undertaking its highway safety responsibilities is most critically dependent upon the information available and the means provided to access and...

Micro-Computer Rucus?A User's View
In 1973, Centro, a medium-sized transit company, contracted with the firm Ken Roberts & Associates (KRA) to implement a RUCUS package for the Syracuse area. The package was originally...

Microcomputer Route Performance Monitoring
A performance monitoring system, properly implemented, can significantly aid a transit system's ability to operate efficient and effective services. The Capital District Transportation...

Evaluation of the Driver/Extraboard Cost Model
This paper presents a general evaluation of the Driver Extraboard Cost Model. The evaluation is based on a series of validation tests performed using data from the Tri-County Metropolitan...

Customizing a Payroll System for New Orelans
When the RTA recently assumed responsibility for the New Orleans area transit system from a private operator, there was no RTA in-house computer capability. While the previous owner agreed...

Implementing a Maintenance Program in Wisconsin
A vehicle maintenance and parts inventory control microcomputer package was developed and implemented for thirteen small transit properties as a part of the Statewide Microcomputer Implementation...

Subarea Transportation Planning on Micros
This paper describes the adaptation of the regionwide travel forecasting models developed for the Orlando Urban Area Transportation Study (OUATS) for application at the subregion and subarea...

Regional Planning Models Used in Subarea Windows
The typical regional travel-forecasting model has historically been confined to use on a mainframe computer. In an effort to reduce costs and allow computer hardware options, a three-tiered...





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