Patuxent River Policy Plan
Degradation of the Patuxent River, a major tributary of the Chesapeake Bay, prompted the Maryland General Assembly to establish the Patuxent River Commission and require preparation of...

Nisqually River Management Plan
The Nisqually River is unique in Washington State, if not the nation, in having as its headwaters a glacier within a national park, and its estuary within a national wildlife refuge. The...

The Identification of Common Resource Management Needs as a Basis for Barrier Island Research Programs
This paper demonstrates the need for a broad, centrally focussed barrier island research program by conducting a systematic analysis of the resource management needs of the Atlantic and...

Evaluation of Tsunami Risk at the Southwest Coast of the Iberian Peninsula
The southwest coast of the Iberian Peninsula has a long history of being affected by tsunami waves. The tsunami risk analysis carried out for this area included the compilation of a catalog...

Tsunamis on the Pacific Coast of the United States
The vulnerability of the Pacific coastal areas to tsunamis is examined. The effects of previous tsunamis generated off the west coast of the United States (local tsunamis) and of remote...

Special Canada-U.S. Workshop/Panel
Panel members with hands-on-experience in estuarine planning and management are drawn from British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California. They highlight those factors which they...

Territorial Sea Management by the State of Oregon
The institutional capability of the State of Oregon to manage the territorial sea under its jurisdiction recently was examined by the authors. Oil and gas development, marine mineral mining,...

EEZ Governance in Australia, Canada, the United States and New Zealand
All four nations listed in the title claim 200-mile exclusive resource zones based on the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf...

The EEZ: Potential and Problems for Ocean Management
The emergence of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) represents the culmination of efforts to devise a transitional zone between the territorial sea, in which the coastal state has sovereignty...

The Use of Subsistence Information in Coastal Land Planning: Examples from Southeast Alaska
Subsistence use patterns and the interplay between cash and subsistence economies are a subject of study by the Division of Subsistence in the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. New methods...

Taxing Response Evasion on the Great Barrier Reef
A class of models known as randomized response designs has been shown to reduce survey response bias to incriminating questions by assuring respondent confidentiality. The purpose of this...

Risk Management of Oceanfront Resort Operations
The perception of high incidences of accidents related to open ocean recreational activities in Hawaii and the need for developing educational programs on water safety for resident and...

Toxicant Reduction in the Dunny Way CSO
Combined sewer overflows (CSO) are a source of pollution to receiving waters and need to be controlled. As an interim approach to improving environmental conditions at this site in Seattle,...

Waste Disposal Activities and the Protection of Estuaries and Coastal Waters
The disposal of wastes in the Nation's marine environments raises two fundamental issues: first, the general health of the several types of marine waters - estuaries, coastal...

Management Responses to Technical Uncertainty
Recent attention to management and regulation of contaminated waste materials has served to heighten awareness of the role of technical uncertainty in regulatory decisionmaking. Two distinct,...

Sewage Trapping by Water Parcels in Puget Sound
Sewage effluent entering Puget Sound, Washington, often becomes trapped in discrete parcels of water. The parcels are easily identifiable in vertical density profiles as layers of well-mixed...

Drift of Floatable Materials in Puget Sound
Cost-effective methods for predicting the fate of surface borne (floatable) materials and contaminants have been applied successfully within Puget Sound. Several preferred areas for the...

Canada's Policy for National Marine Parks
The paper reviews some of the unique characteristics of marine ecosystems that demand management considerations distinct from those applied to terrestrial ones. The second part presents...

Marine Protected Areas and Customary Rights
Customary rights and their importance to the establishment and management of coastal and protected marine areas has emerged as an issue of universal concern. Local involvement in the planning...

Marine Park Planning in the Third World Haiti Case Study
World-wide stability can be, in part, achieved by the creation of marine parks and other protected areas, particularly in third world countries, since marine protected areas help to conserve...





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