Selection of Software
Software selection is an important consideration as part of implementation of computer system. Various factors involved in the selection process are described. To determine whether the...

Purchasing a Small Computer System with the Aid of a Specification Document
Organizations can purchase equipment that meets their needs through the use of a performance specification document. Rather than specifying the 'nuts and bolts'...

Management of Microcomputer Systems
This paper is primarily concerned with the day-to-day management of microcomputer-based systems before, during, and after acquisition. Topics covered include areas overlooked by organizations...

Integration of Computer Methods into the Civil Engineering Curriculum
Enhancements of the civil engineering curriculum at the University of Louisville are described. These enhancements are intended to help achieve a high degree of computer literacy in graduating...

Computer Usage in Civil Engineering
With the expanding availability of computer facilities in the universities, there seems to be a growing trend to emphasize the use of large computer codes, originated as general purpose...

An Interactive Model for Project Planning and Scheduling
This paper presents the development and use of an interactive, microcomputer-based model for project planning and scheduling. The model is general enough to handle both deterministic (CPM-based)...

Experiences with Rapid Computerization in Educational Institutions
Rapid computerization in educational institutions, such as establishment of departmental computer facilities, requires realistic planning to implement and incorporate the new capabilities...

Facing Failures: Alleged or Actual
Every practitioner, in a large or small office, faces the possibility of an accusation of causing, directly or indirectly, a failure. The resulting embarrassment, frustration, regret,...

Quality Assurance in a Large Firm
This paper will describe the formalization of the Quality Assurance Program in a large consulting engineering firm. Although Quality Assurance and Quality Control have been a part of normal...

Failures: Who Did It - How Did It Happen?
The forensic engineer investigates the cause of failures and determines, from an engineering viewpoint, who was responsible for that failure. These failures need not be catastrophic but...

How Do I Find the Information I Needed Yesterday?
One reason that the professional has not been more effective in learning from failures is that the information disseminated has not always reached the right people. The Architecture and...

Westway - The Little Word that Killed the Big Highway
The Westside Highway Project, better known as Westway, received a construction permit on February 25, 1985 from the Army Corps of Engineers. Signed by the author, the permit was invalidated...

The Changing Configuration of Commercial Ports
The ports of the world are constantly changing. The present day concept of a ship or barge entering a harbor, being unloaded, reloaded and 'sailing' out is not...

Waterfront Development: Getting It Started?The Public Sector Role
In comparison with other forms of urban development - by almost any measure you wish to choose - the waterfront is the most difficult and complex area to develop. Despite all of the obstacles,...

Report on NATO Workshop on Urban Runoff Quality
Major presentations and discussions from the 1985 NATO advanced research workshop on urban runoff quality are summarized. The topics discussed include the characterization of urban runoff...

Sources of Urban Pollutants?Do we Know Enough?
The non-USGS data from the NURP program are summarized in terms of their availability and adequacy for decision making and modeling. Results of selected projects are reviewed and related...

Workshops on Research and Future Activities Needs
During the conference, a questionnaire listing proposed topical areas was given to participants, along with instructions to indicate their first three preferences and to propose additional...

Super and Parallel Computers and Their Impact on Civil Engineering
This publication contains four papers on the use of super and parallel computers in the practice of civil engineering. The first paper shows how large nonlinear systems of equations, such...

Recent Applications in Computational Mechanics
The papers in this book were presented at the sessions Applications of the Boundary Element Method to Structural Dynamics and Dynamic Response of Coupled Civil Engineering Structures at...

Wind Effects on Compliant Offshore Structures
In recent years modern experimental and analytical techniques for estimating wind effects have increasingly been applied to compliant offshore structures. The six papers included in this...





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