Sewage Trapping by Water Parcels in Puget Sound
Sewage effluent entering Puget Sound, Washington, often becomes trapped in discrete parcels of water. The parcels are easily identifiable in vertical density profiles as layers of well-mixed...

Drift of Floatable Materials in Puget Sound
Cost-effective methods for predicting the fate of surface borne (floatable) materials and contaminants have been applied successfully within Puget Sound. Several preferred areas for the...

Environmental Impacts from Treated Ballast Water Discharge into Port Valdez, Alaska
A ballast water treatment plant has operated on the south shore of Port Valdez, Alaska since 1977. In recent years the plant processed, on the average, nearly 51,000 m**3 of the ballast...

The Impact of Suburbanization on an Urban River
A case study of the impacts of suburbanization on the water quality of an urban river was completed to detail the various impacts of suburbanization on the culture, economy and environment...

Marine Park Planning in the Third World Haiti Case Study
World-wide stability can be, in part, achieved by the creation of marine parks and other protected areas, particularly in third world countries, since marine protected areas help to conserve...

Oil Rigs: Biology, Mariculture, Drilling Muds, Rigs-to-Reefs
Oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico and Santa Barbara Channel provide hard substrates, diverse habitats and excellent breeding grounds from the sea floor through the splash zone. As a...

The ARC Reefs: Designed Artificial Reef Systems
Results of laboratory tests and preliminary results of field tests indicate materials and designs incorporated in The American Reef Corporation (ARC) designed artificial reef structures...

New Directions in Atlantic Artificial Reef Development
The National Fishing Enhancement Act (PL 98-623) of 1984 placed a new emphasis on the role of artificial reefs in fishery development and management. Subsequently, the growth of marine...

Oil and Krill: From Lab to Nature
Bioassay tests were conducted on Arctic krill, the euphausiid Thysanoessa raschii, using water-soluble fractions of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska crude oil. Experimental results indicated that larval...

Enhancing Diked Wetlands in Coastal California
Significant areas of wetland in coastal California are diked off from full tidal action. These areas retain considerable value as wetland, and their management and enhancement present...

Prospects for Wetlands Use in Stormwater Management
It is well established that wetlands under certain circumstances improve water quality. There is a limited literature on the long-term effects of using freshwater wetlands for stormwater...

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program in Alaskan Coastal Areas
The Alaska District Regulatory Program has jurisdiction for the entire State of Alaska. There are more than 54,716 kilometers (34,000 miles) of coastline and numerous inland waterways...

Water Use Zoning: Is It a Solution for Resolving Coastal Water Use Conflicts?
In the last few years, North Carolina's coastal area has witnessed unprecedented growth. This paper focuses on selected conflicts associated with recreational and other economic...

Offshore Oil and Gas NPDES Permits: Creative Solutions?Three Case Studies
The U. S. EPA has responsibility under the Clean Water Act (CWA) to maintain and enhance the quality of the Nation's waters. Section 402 of the CWA authorizes EPA to issue...

The Benefit of Utilizing Case Specific Modelling and Data to Determine Effluent Limitations
This abstract refers to the results of a normal conservative approach to a more realistic, substantiated approach to determining effluent limitations. The new approach was used to establish...

Development of a Coastal Oil Spill Model
An integrated coastal oil spill model (designated 'SMEAR') is being developed for Minerals Management Service, Alaska, with broad application to all coastal environments....

Simulating Nonpoint Source Runoff to Coastal Waters
The simulation of nonpoint source runoff to coastal waters is based on data requirements of land use, soil type. Evapotranspiration and runoff capacity are determined from terrestrial...

Application of an Ecosystem/Water Quality Model as a Tool for Managing Estuarine Water Quality
A laterally averaged two-dimensional computer model was developed to simulate the hydrodynamics, transport, and ecosystem dynamics of Budd Inlet, a small partially mixed estuary located...

Measuring Water-Dependency: A Puget Sound Example
Fostering water-dependent industry through allocation of urban shoreline sites is an important coastal management goal. But water-dependency is an elusive term to define operationally....

Urban Waterfronts: Does Every Use Have a Place?
This paper is a comparison of different state definitions and techniques used to manage competing uses on the waterfront. Every use does have a place on the waterfront. But that place...





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