Managing a Drought Through Advance Water Resources Planning: The Iowa Approach and Experience
It is important for states and local governments to devise and implement strategies for dealing with their water resource needs during a drought. This paper discusses the mechanisms that...

The Water Erosion Prediction Project: Model Overview
A new generation of water erosion prediction technology is being developed by the USDA Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP). The WEPP models are a new erosion prediction technology...

Formulating a Coastal Plain Water Quality Project
In 1988, the Soil Conservation Service in Delaware helped local sponsors prepare a detailed preauthorization planning report for water quality improvement in Indian River Bay watershed,...

A Review of Water Table Management & BMP Effects on Selected Nitrogen Processes
This study addresses the combined impacts of water table management (WTM) and best management practices (BMP's) on surface and ground water quality. DRAINMOD (water table...

Managing Water Table Management Systems for Water Quality
The purpose of this paper is to briefly summarize the results of water quality studies related to water table management conducted in North Carolina over the past 15 years. Results of...

Development and Application of a Model for Urban Use of Reclaimed Water
Water for nonpotable uses can be obtained from lesser-quality sources, and reclaimed water represents a very valuable and relatively unusual source. The planning and design process for...

Interbasin Transfers: An Issue in Search of a Policy
Increasing demands for water combined with recent droughts have increased the search in many regions for new sources of water. High on the list of alternatives are always interbasin transfers....

Water Marketing in California
In one of the world's consummate entrepreneurial environments, a commodity as vital as water is so difficult to buy and sell. Why has water marketing become widely used in...

State Financing of Soil Conservation Programs
Federal financial incentives to implement conservation programs under traditional programs probably will not increase. Any increases in present financial incentives and new incentive alternatives...

Attitudes and Health Effects of Water Reuse
This paper is concerned with public attitudes toward water reuse for irrigation and with the consequences of human contact with reclaimed wastewater. Initially, attitudes are considered...

Water Resources Planning for the San Antonio Region
Water resources planning for the San Antonio region begins with the physical setting and the technical considerations - the science and engineering aspects. It proceeds to the economic...

People and Practicality in Water Management
A discussion of the water control management responsibilities of the St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is given, with particular emphasis upon people issues and upon practical...

World Bank's Role in Global Water and Related Environmental Issues
The World Bank provides loans and technical assistance to developing countries for improvement of the physical and economic well-being of the people. A major portion of its lending is...

Conflict Resolution in Regional Water Management
The experience with environmental dispute resolution (EDR) at South Florida Water Management has been largely one of changing the operating premises regarding the agency's...

Integrated Water Use Management
Recognizing the increasing frequency of water supply problems, and the fact that many of them cannot be solved solely within county or other political boundaries, an integrated water management...

Hydrologic Criteria: NPS Water Quality Assessment
This paper summarizes the authors deliberations and findings regarding selection of hydrologic conditions suitable for the evaluation of the water quality impacts of nonpoint sources (NPSs)...

Hydrologically Optimizing Stormwater Quality Facilities
There exists a need to develop a method for the sizing of urban stormwater runoff capture volume for water quality enhancement purposes. This paper describes a method that utilizes hydrologic...

Who is the Public?
The old concept of applying to the state for a right to use water has changed as the availability of unappropriated water has disappeared. Today the emphasis is on acquiring a water right...

Interstate Water Management: Implications of Recent Virgina/North Carolina Conflicts
Attempts to expand the public water supply of the urbanized southeastern corner of Virginia by transferring water from an interstate river flowing from Virginia into North Carolina has...

Advisory System for South Florida Water Management
A comprehensive, real-time advisory system was developed for the operation of water control facilities within the South Florida Water Management District. The Operations Assistant and...





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