The Environmental Valuation Reference Inventory (EVRI) for Water Related Benefits Transfers
Managing our water resources requires knowledge not only of flows, water chemistry and aquatic life, but also of the various uses and economic values that humans place upon the water....

Estimation of the Probable Maximum Rainfall and Snowmelt Floods Via Physically Based Model of River Runoff Generation
Disastrous floods can be caused by unusual combinations of hydrometeorological factors and river basin conditions that have not been observed during a long observation period. The physically-based...

Accidental Situations: Application of Surface-Water Monitoring Data
Under severe manmade environmental changes, nature-protective activities serve to effectively solve a triune task: conservation and recovery of environmental ecosystems, safety of man...

The Use of Monitoring of Russian Water Objects for the Decrease of Disaster Consequences
The project of the United States Monitoring System for Water Resources was created. This system united the possibilities of different kinds of existed systems for observation of water...

Scour in Erodible Rock II: Erosive Power at Bridge Piers
Scour depths around bridge piers founded on erodible rock can be determined by making use of the Erodibility Index Method. This method defmes an erosion threshold by relating the erosive...

Reductive Pyrolysis for the Destruction of Chloromethane: A Reaction Pathway Model Based on Thermodynamic and Thermokinetic Considerations
Among various thermal technologies available for the destruction chlorinated hydrocarbons, incineration, catalytic hydrogenation, and pyrolysis are important. Pyrolysis employed under...

Recover Inorganic Solids from Obsolete Propellants
A feasible process was developed to recover inorganic solids (energetics and metallic fuel) from obsolete polyurethane-based propellants in order to solve their associated long-term disposal...

A Cost-Effective approach to In Situ Remediation of Soil and Groundwater at a Diesel Fuel Spill Site
A bioventing and groundwater treatment system designed to enhance the natural biodegradation of diesel fuel residuals in soil and prevent further groundwater degradation was installed...

Optimization of Soil Vapor Extraction System Design
Soil vapor extraction is a cost-effective technique for the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) immobilized in the unsaturated zone. The design of a soil vapor extraction system...

Water Resources Investigation Along Salt River in Phoenix and Tempe Area
The Salt River originates in the White Mountains of eastern Arizona and drains westward through the Phoenix metropolitan area to its confluence with the Gila River approximately 15 miles...

Picacho Reservoir Enhancement Study for Water Recharge, Reparian Enhancement, and Water-Based Recreation Purposes
This study was conducted for the Pinal County Department of Civil Works in Florence, Arizona. It investigated the feasibility of a major enhancement and expansion of Picacho Reservoir,...

Optimizing Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Cold Climates: Scale, Process and Benefits
Although conventional wisdom demands large, centralized facilities for municipal sewage treatment, much has recently been made of the potential of low tech, decentralized systems for wastewater...

Costs of Treatment for Wastewater Reclamation and Disposal: A Preliminary Assessment
Our objective is to estimate the marginal costs of different degrees of water reclamation treatment (primary, secondary, and tertiary), using the Los Angeles County Sanitation District...

The Balanced Indigenous Population (BIP) and Statistical Process Control (SPC) in Marine Pollution Ecology
This account discusses the regulatory requirement of maintaining a Balanced Indigenous Population (BIP) as it relates to an ocean outfall. A brief history of the development of the BIP...

Physical Distribution System Models for Assessing the Impact of Water Quality on Regrowth and Corrosion
Over the past several years, there have been several new and proposed Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) regulations that will require many water utilities to modif treatment operations to...

Suspended Sediment Loads in Dry and Wet Years
Many factors other than water discharge influence the suspended sediment load in rivers. The climate condition is one of the factors. It is expected that the relation between Qs...

Specification of Cu, Pb and Cr in Contaminated Sediment Effected by pH
Sediment was sampled from a contaminated river. Sequential extraction was applied to determine the speciations of Cu, Pb, and Cr in the sediment with varied pH (5?9), and the redox potential...

The Effect of Climatic Change on Hydrologic Variables
There has been increasing concern about the threat of global warming affecting the earth's climate. This warming scenario, called the greenhouse effect, is believed to be...

Climate Change: What the North American Water Engineer Should Know
Long-range forecasts of future global warming have been made based on the increase in carbon dioxide and trace gases in the air from human activities. Potential changes which would especially...

Streamflows Prediction Models for the Colombian Generation System Considering El Ni?o Effect
A monthly and a daily prediction models for some Colombian rivers with hydropower developments were developed and implemented. Several monthly streamfiow prediction models are presented....





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