The Fate of Pathogenic Organisms in Mamala Bay
The fate of enteric organisms in Mamala Bay is studied using coupled hydrodynamic and pathogen fate models. The purpose of the study is to determine the contributions of various sources...

An Integrated Coastal Management Plan for Mamala Bay
Integrated coastal management plan (1CM), articulated in the 1993 National Research Council study Managing Wastewater in Coastal Urban Areas (NRC,1993) is a new framework for coastal environmental...

The Mamala Bay Study, Oahu, Hawaii: Introduction
A comprehensive multi-disciplinary study was conducted to evaluate the effects of point and non-point source discharges on the water quality of Mamala Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. The investigation...

Comprehensive Modelling of Water Distribution Networks
An analyst of a water distribution systems must frequently contend with a host of problems with very different time scales. Traditionally, such concerns have been accommodated by having...

Floodplain Management in Los Angeles County
Los Angeles is located in a geologically young area of the western United States. It is characterized by highly erodible, steep mountains and flat alluvial plains. Located in a semi-arid...

Evaluation of Selected Instruments for Monitoring Scour at Bridges in New York
Reliable methods to monitor scour at bridges are needed to ensure public safety and minimize the cost to repair or replace vulnerable bridges. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation...

Bank Protection Toe-Downs and Local Pier Scour
The zone-of-influence for pier scour may impact bank protection toe-down depths. Countermeasures were required at a site along the Salt River in Phoenix, Arizona when the alignment of...

Riprap and Concrete Armor to Prevent Pier Scour
Local scour is not a product of recent times or modern building practices. The annals of the Institute of Civil Engineers, in London, contain references throughout the 1800s and early...

Restoration Design for Urban Streams: Anacostia River Basin, Maryland
Several stream restoration projects have been undertaken by the Army Corps of Engineers in the Maryland portion of the Anacostia River basin. Measures used include bank stabilization,...

Retrofitting an Urban Watershed for Improved Water Quality
A study was conducted for the Baltimore County, Maryland, Department of Enviromnental Protection, to assess the watershed conditions and stream channel stability of Stemmer's...

Washington State's Stormwater Management Program
Significant progress has been made in developing a stormwater management program at the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Topics highlighted in this paper include:...

Hollyhills Drain Relief for 1920s Drainage System
The paper will discuss design and construction problems encountered for a $50,000,000 Urban Storm Drain System in the Metropolitan Los Angeles Area. The Drainage System relieves a system...

Salinity Management for the Upper Gila River
Over development and over allocation of the limited water supply of the S afford valley in eastern Arizona has resulted in serious depletion of water for irrigation in the San Carlos Apache...

Solving Collection Problems to Increase Revenue: The Houston Experience
By concentrating on improving customer service the City of Houston Utility Customer Service division solved their collection problems and increased their revenues. This article discusses...

The Costs and Benefits of Dam Removal on the Elwha River
The Elwha River is located on the Olympic Peninsula in the State of Washington. In the early 1900s two hydroelectric dams were built on the Elwha River. Construction of Glines Canyon and...

Design of a Floodplain Road Crossing Using Two Dimensional Modeling
A two dimensional hydraulic model (FESWMS) is prepared to evaluate flood conditions for the Canal Parkway Project, located in western Maryland. The parkway includes a 32 meter bridge replacement...

Evaluating Strategies to Manage Seawater Intrusion
A simulation-optimization model has been developed to evaluate strategies for managing seawater intrusion in the Oxnard Plain, Ventura County, California; however, this model addresses...

Emulation of DWRDSM using Artificial Neural Networks and Estimation of Sacramento River Flow from Salinity
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are widely used and well-suited for multiple non-linear regression. Department of Water Resources Delta Simulation Model (DWRDSM) is a computer model...

Analyzing Water Balances and Ranking Maryland's Watersheds Related to Growth, Development and Loss of Habitat
One hundred thirty three watersheds comprising the entire state were analyzed for surface and ground water balance. Census population figures (1990) were allocated to the watersheds. Population...

Sedimentation Dynamics of Tidal Inlets
Tidal inlets are very dynamic systems subject to continuous morphological changes under the action of tides, waves and transported sediments. Although flow and sediment dynamics are interactive,...





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