Cables Not in Trouble
Cable-stayed bridges in the U.S. are not, contrary to reports widely disseminated in the press several years ago, about to fail from corrosion. The design, in which primary cables support...

Up and Down Construction of a 17-Story Building
The One Westwood Building is located on a small site in the Westwood district of Los Angeles. Construction of the 17-story building with 8 levels of subterranean parking was complicated...

Hugo's Sturctural Damage in Puerto Rico
The results of a study of the wind damages caused by Hurricane Hugo is presented. Cases involving wood structures, industrial steel buildings, multistory reinforced concrete buildings,...

Permeability of Cement Grout Plugs in Basaltic Rocks
Flow tests have been conducted on expansive cement grout plugs with diameters of 160 mm and 200 mm, and length-to-diameter ratios of one, in boreholes in basalt blocks, and in steel pipes....

LRFD: Still Waiting
Introduced in 1986, load and resistance factor design (LRFD), has a way to go before it becomes standard practice for steel design. LRFD-based design typically results in savings on gravity...

Fish Protection at Water Intakes Using a New Signal Development Process and Sound System
American Electric Power Company, Inc., is exploring the feasibility of using a patented signal development process and sound system to guide aquatic animals with underwater sound. Sounds...

Soil Nails as Temporary Powerhouse Support
Newcastle Powerhouse was constructed as an underground structure with its top deck at the finished ground surface. The powerhouse is three-quarter circular and one-quarter square in plan....

Case Study: Steele Creek Dam Safety Analysis, Bristol, Tennessee
Steele Creek Dam creates a small recreational park lake before discharging into Beaver Creek a few hundred yards below the dam. Existing homes and trailers downstream from this junction...

The Replacement of Penstocks at TVA Ocoee II Power Plant
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) replaced the steel penstocks at its Ocoee II power plant near Ocoee, Tennessee. A total replacement was necessary because of severe corrosion on the...

Raising of King Talal Dam
The King Talal Project is located on the Zarqa River, a Jordan River tributary, in Jordan. An existing embankment dam, 100 m high, built in the mid-seventies by the Jordan Valley Authority...

Penstock Rehabilitation
The deterioration of aging penstocks is a common problem at many existing hydroelectric plants. A comprehensive understanding of the physical condition and functional limitations of an...

The Development and Writing of the ASCE Manual of Practice for Steel Penstocks
The 'Manual of Practice for Steel Penstocks' is being written under the supervision of the Hydropower Committee of the ASCE Energy Division. The committee felt...

Prefabricated Power Plants, Experience and Prospects
This paper presents the prefabrication concept applied to the Greenup (Greenup Locks and Dam, Ohio River, 72 MW, 1982) and the Sydney A. Murray, Jr. (Old River Control Structures, Vidalia,...

Dynamics of Protective Coatings to Limit Cavitation Damage
Cavitation implosions inflict a very high impact stress on turbine blades and turbine liners. One strategy for limiting the impact on the turbine components is to overlay a protective...

Relationship Between Lysimeter Area and Evapotranspiration (ET)
The lysimeter is an important instrument for measuring evapotranspiration (ET) of crops. It is widely used in the irrigation and drainage experimental stations in China. However, the areas...

Temporary Structures for Protection and Access
Temporary Structures in Construction Projects (TSC) are utilized for three (3) purposes A. Support (of the structure being built or adjacent structures or utilities) B. Protection (of...

Temporary Traffic Deck Over Braced Excavation
A case history is used to examine the planning, design, and installation of a temporary traffic deck over a 23-foot-deep braced excavation. The deck was installed in a three-phase sequence...

Permanent Structure as Part of the Underpinning System for Boston's Central Artery
The Central Artery, a major six lane structural steel viaduct, has been one of Boston's most significant roadways over the past three decades. Increasing congestion, accidents,...

Design and Planning of Structural Steel Roll-In
Innovative construction methods were required to erect structural steel inside a 170 foot long box truss over a railroad. The contractor engineered and executed a unique system to roll...

Boston Central Artery/Tunnel Project?Fort Point Channel I-90 Tunnel Crossing
Part of the Central Artery and Third Harbor Tunnel Project involves the construction of a very unusual section of immersed tunnel. While the Third Harbor Tunnel which will cross Boston...





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